Trump pave the way for his children
文章来源: TJKCB2016-07-25 10:23:27

Why does Trump still focus on his rivals like these two guys? He's trying to pave the way for his children - even though none of them showed any substance of governing a country besides showing "Big dad's sweet little child." He hasn't come up with any specific policy ideas for his own - indicating he's not serious about his own run. Here's the evidence.

Nobody in American history to claim: Everything is terrible and 'I alone can fix it' Saying that, either a tyrant or a fool. If neither, he gotta back him up with specific plans - HOW to run one-man's show, not one liner slogan.

Trump got this right - out of 17 candidates, these two guys are competative enough to challenge the Trump empire. I used to put hope on Kasich, level-headed with specific policy ideas, while Cruz articulated his principle (I don't like his yelling style - can't see such figure as P.). That convection is based on neither extreme right nor extreme left can win and lead a diversified country like the US - future leaders gotta hold all hands together - as plenty of cool level-headed voters watching, the safe guardians for this country.

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Trump Has Third Person in Mind to Hit With Super-PAC Beyond Cruz, Kasich

Bloomberg  - ‎20 hours ago‎
Donald Trump plans to create and fund super-PACs specifically aimed at ending the political careers of Ted Cruz and John Kasich should either run for office again, after both snubbed the Republican nominee during his party's convention this week, a ...