说说西方的 Customer Abuse
文章来源: 汉代蜜瓜2010-02-26 08:19:50


-------------------------------------一个关于Tim  Horton 禁止一个顾客到它店里消费的评价。




是个关于产品的咨询电话,对方是个女人,似乎语气有些急躁。G不紧不慢地解释着,最后脸色严肃起来,我听他说:“MS,please control your words!”





他反问:“你听没听说过Customer Abuse这个词?买与卖在人格上是平等的,如果对方说写侮辱性的话,你有权把他们请出去,必要时可以叫警察。”








之所以发这么一个感慨,是因为读了一篇关于Tim Horton 的新闻。Tim Horton 是我最喜欢的咖啡店,物美价廉。



Jimmy Craig of St. Andrews, N.B., has been banned for life from two Tim Hortons outlets for complaining one too many times about burned coffee.

Photograph by: John Kenney, Gazette file photo

A coffee enthusiast has been banned for life after complaining three times to a Tim Hortons store owner about decaf coffee he says tasted burnt.

"One time, I got one so bad that I almost threw up in my kitchen sink," said paramedic Jimmy Craig, who frequented the Tim Hortons location in St. Andrews, N.B. "It was like burnt brown water, it was so bad."

Despite a few "burnt" coffees, he kept going back because the coffee wasn't always bad.

"The odd time I got a burnt coffee, they would go back and replace it and it would be fine," he said.

Craig said the coffee got better after his first complaint, but this year, he started getting burnt coffee again. He then took his complaint to the corporate office, and got a meeting with Edwin Dow, the St. Andrews store owner.

But apparently, three complaints and you're banned, said Craig. Instead of addressing the complaints, Craig said Dow served him with a letter banning him under the province's trespass act from ever entering the store in St. Andrews or nearby St. Stephen again.

"I feel like the victim of a bully," said Craig. "What kind of a businessman treats customers like that? It just baffles me."

Craig contacted a lawyer last week to see if the ban can be overturned.

Carl Dow, general manager of the store in nearby St. Stephen, refused to comment on the customer ban. He also said Edwin Dow, store owner, is unable to provide comment as he is out of town.

Edwin Dow was quoted in one media report saying staff went the extra mile to satisfy Craig, brewing fresh pots of decaf on request.

The social-networking website Twitter has been grinding out news of the ban, with "Tim Hortons" being one of the site's top trending topics.

"If he hates the coffee, why does he care about the ban?" writes one Twitter user.