【The Straw Hat】《草帽歌》by 梦圆
文章来源: e梦圆2009-05-24 20:07:13

youtube 链接 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkFu7YvyWRY&feature=youtu.be

Here's the prologue to give to precede the song:
The war is over, American soldiers occupy Japan. A black soldier and a Japanese girl fall in love. In time, the soldiers leave Japan, return to the US. The black soldier also returns, but alone. He fears being humiliated as usual by the white community when he comes home and also by the black community for marrying the enemy, a Jap. If he stays in Japan he knows he will be humiliated as an outsider. His Japanese girlfriend's pregnancy becomes known to her after her leaves. She gives birth to a boy. For years, she loves him, raising him alone, but her community continually teases and taunts them because they are different. This drives her crazy. She becomes deluded into believing that only in death would he gain the respect he deserves. In a fit of frenzy she stabs him to death. She is arrested, tried and hung for murder.






 Ma Ma do you remember,
the old straw hat you gave to me,
I lost that hat long ago,
flew to the foggy canyon. 

Yeh Ma ma I wonder 
what happened to that old straw hat, 
falling down the mountain side 
out of my reach like your heart. 

Suddenly that wind came up, 
stealing my hat from me yeh. 
Swirling whirling gust of wind, 
blowing it higher away. 

Ma ma that old straw hat
was the only one I really loved, 
but we lost it. 
No one could bring it back, 
like the life you gave me.