小甜点——Mango Float
文章来源: 似水佳人2009-07-04 09:40:45

在菜坛潜水冒泡时经常品尝各位食神的美味佳肴,非常感谢。现在和大家分享我刚学做的小甜点—— Mango Float. 最近品尝的,灰常灰常好吃,松软爽口,甜而不腻, 1 下子 9 喜欢乐。要来 recipe ,原来做法也粉简单。笨手笨脚滴初学者,还请大家轻点儿砸 ,嘻嘻。
'This dessert doesn't float, but the one eating it surely will! It is delicious and creamy.'


· 1 cup heavy cream, chilled  ( 我用的是 double cream)

· 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk, chilled

· 1/2 cup mashed ripe mango

· 1 tsp. vanilla extract

· Thin sliced of ripe mangoes

· Graham Crackers or Slices of Chiffon cake  (Any cracker will do)

· (Optional) chopped nuts or Maraschino cherries


  1. Blend cream and sweetened condensed milk together. Add mashed mango. Add vanilla. Set aside, perferably keeping it chilled until needed. (Sweetened condensed milk 和 vanilla extract 最好边加边尝,直到你喜欢的口味为止 )
  2. In a square 9x9 inch or a rectangular 9x13 inch Pyrex or any transparent dish ( 其实任何方形的 lunch box/container 都行滴) , assemble graham crackers and cream mixture by arranging the crackers on the bottom of the dish.

     3.      Spread one third of the cream mixture, arrange some mango slices, then put another layer of the crackers.
Repeat the process, ending with the cream mixture on top.

(Optional) Spread chopped nuts. Garnish with more slices of mangoes or maraschino cherries for a more festive appeal. (我用的 smashed nuts )


甜点热量比较高,吃后要注意运动哦 ,嘻嘻。