四僧 之 弘仁
文章来源: bambooseven2008-09-20 20:58:10

清 弘仁 西岩松雪图


此图绘雪景山色, 图中危崖峻岭,盘曲青松,在雪中更显寒肃峻险。茅棚屋舍,平添风致。全局空灵通脱,又注意景物的大小、疏密、虚实的变化。给人以伟峻、恬淡,静穆圣洁之感。( ZT )

--Among "四僧" i only like him. maybe because how calm his painting looks.cannot find my other favorite ones on internet.
I remember seeing the original in Beijing's Palace Museum. it is a big one, and the elegance of the painting is unforgettable.