文章来源: 亚特兰大笔会2012-04-17 18:06:11


前不久(一月十八日),在168上,曾经有过一篇短文,是一位笔名为江南翠湖 的网友转发的,题目是《转载: 代价 》。不是太醒目,大家都不太在意。我也没注意。一个朋友打电话告诉我,这篇很好,让她非常感动,建议我一读。我就点开进去了,是英文的。其标题是“THEPRICE THEY PAID”。我读了,确实很让人深思,很叫人感动。她还建议我将之翻译过来。本来,就我的英文水准而言,我是不具资格来做此翻译的。

前年,余杰到访亚城时,我写了《老钱:欢迎余杰》。现在,在余杰再次来到美国之际,读了他的“去国”声明,看到了他两年来的经历,我满腔悲愤,正不知说什么为好。现在,我就抖胆把这段文字翻译出来。借花献佛了。仅以此,作为我对余杰的再次欢迎,和对刘晓波,陈光诚,艾未未,譚作人,高智晟,胡佳,。。。,等等,以及其他,据说有二百多位,一旦有风吹草动,就有可能被“活埋”处理的仁人志士们的敬意(见余杰的《我的去国声明 》)。







他们当中有24人是律师或是从事与司法相关的职业。有十一人是商人,有九个人是农场主和拥有大片土地的,他们都是受过良好教育的富人。他们在独立宣言上签字时,都很完全清楚地知道,被英国人抓住是要杀头的。来自弗吉尼亚的Carter Braxton是一个富裕的垦荒者和贸易商人,看着英国海军把他的商船击毁。他卖了他的家园和财产来还债,最后死于贫困之中。Thomas McKean被英国人到处追捕,他不得不带着他的家人不断迁徙。他在国会供职,没有任何薪金,同时他的家庭始终在东躲西藏中度日。他的财产被抢走,得到的尽是贫困。

商贩走卒,地痞流氓,抢走了ElleryClymerHallWaltonGwinnettHeywardRutledgeMiddleton等人的财产。在Yorktown的战斗中,Thomas Nelson Jr.,得知英军将军Cornwallis 占据了他的住宅作为司令部。Nelson只是平静地促求George Washington/华盛顿将军向之开火。因此,Nelson的房子夷为平地,后来,Nelson也在破产后的贫困中去世。FrancisLewis的家园财产也都被毁掉了。敌人/英军囚禁了他的妻子。没几个月后,他的妻子死于囚禁中。为了独立事业,John Hart在妻子临死的时候,不能守在妻子的身边;他们的13个孩子四下逃散。他的田园和磨坊被荒废了。以后的一年多时间里,他生活在树林间,山洞里。回到家里时,他已经一贫如洗,失去了妻子,失去了孩子们。仅仅数周之后,他自己也死于贫困潦倒和楸心之痛中。NorrisLivingston等人也经历了同样的痛苦遭遇。



过 去的历史书籍往往忽略了这些在独立战争中发生过的细节。当时,我们还是大英帝国的臣民。所以,我们不是在反对一个“入侵的”大英帝国,而是在对“自己”的政府作战!也许,你现在能看清了,为什么我们的先贤们极其憎恨那些镇压他们的军队,而竭力要在宪法修正案上保证人民拥有枪支武器的权利(保障人民有权反抗 一个政府的暴政)。




Haveyou ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration ofIndependence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, andtortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Twolost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nineof the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacredhonor.

Whatkind of men were they?

Twenty-fourwere lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and largeplantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declarationof Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they werecaptured.

CarterBraxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from theseas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, anddied in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced tomove his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, andhis family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and povertywas his reward. Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery,Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Rutledge, and Middleton.

Atthe battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British GeneralCornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The ownerquietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed,and Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed.The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months. John Hart wasdriven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled fortheir lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than ayear he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead andhis children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a brokenheart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.

Suchwere the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wildeyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means andeducation. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall,straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration,with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutuallypledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."Target shooter’s notes: They gave you and I a free and independent America.

Thehistory books never told you a lot of what happened in the revolutionary war.We didn't just fight the British. We were British subjects at that time and wefought our own government! Perhaps you can now see why our founding fathers hada hatred for standing armies, and allowed through the second amendment foreveryone to be armed. Frankly, I can't read this without crying. Some of ustake these liberties so much for granted. We shouldn't.

Peace my friends.


他们不仅仅要拒绝自己来“坐天下”,还要写下光辉的历史文献,创立宪法,立下法规,不让今后想要“坐天下”的,想当皇帝的人,有可能卷土重来;不让帝王将相,专制独裁的历史, 有可能在这片新大陆上重演!没有民主自由就没有法制,没有法制就是特权社会、独裁体系,特权与独裁必然导致腐败猖獗、灾害泛滥,民不聊生,。。。他们特别担心政府做坏事。为此,他们特地在宪法修正案上保证人民拥有枪支武器的权利,保障人民有权反抗政府。他们是一批杰出无私,目光远大,思想深邃的先哲贤者。

与他们相比,那些号称要“解放全人类”的人中,由此而“坐天下”的人,只是一捧粪土。他们才是高崇入云霄的峻岭, 令人敬仰。



Google 上搜索“wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians”,或者其他这篇短文中的关键词,很容易找到许多文章,都给出类似叙述。例如:
