文章来源: 二道桥2007-04-10 17:03:23

作詞: 永六輔  /作曲:坂本九 /英訳:山岸勝榮

上を向いて 歩こう
涙が こぼれないように
思い出す 春の日

にじんだ 星をかぞえて
思い出す 夏の日

幸せは 雲の上に
幸せは 空の上に

上を向いて 歩こう
涙が こぼれないように
泣きながら 歩く


悲しみは 星のかげに
悲しみは 月のかげに

上を向いて 歩こう
涙が こぼれないように


I look up when I walk down, down the street all alone.
So tears will not wet my cheeks as I walk along.
I remember the spring days I spent with you,
But now every night I'm left all alone.

I look up when I walk down, down the street all alone.
I count the blurry stars with my tearful eyes.
I remember the summer days I spent with you,
But now every night I'm left all alone.

I hope for happiness beyond the clouds.
I hope for happiness high up in the sky.

I look up when I walk down, down the street all alone.
So tears will not wet my cheeks as I walk along.
With tears in my eyes, I walk along;
I walk along the street all alone.

I remember the autumn days I spent with you,
But now every night I'm left all alone.

I hope my sorrows will go beyond the stars.
I hope my sorrows will go beyond the moon.

I look up when I walk down, down the street all alone.
So tears will not wet my cheeks as I walk along.
With tears in my eyes, I walk along;
I walk along the street all alone.

I walk along the street all alone.