文章来源: 笨企鹅2010-11-13 16:44:03

She: Why do you always stare at me?
He: Because you are my eye candy!

She: Honey, is our dinner done? (He has been baking cornish hens about 40 minutes)
He: not yet honey.
She: Why? Why does it take longer time than cooking his mom?! (I sometimes bake a whole chicken)

He: May I brush (my teeth) with you together?
She: No, Why?
He: You are my together wife!

She: Honey, did you see a slice of a cake I put into a plastic bag yesterday?
He: hmmmm......I ate
She: Why?! You are not supposed to eat any desert in the evening!
He: well, I ate it between this morning time and noon time, my FOOD POLICE!

She: I love your wife!
He: I love her too. I love your husband!
She: Me too, I can't believe we have so many things in common!

He: I love loving my wife!
She: wow, your are so lucky!

这句话让我目瞪口呆:your lips are sugar-coated, he said after we had a kiss.

还有一回,胖子去停车场开车,我在某地门口等着。他开到我跟前居然说:“Hey, Miss, need a ride?!"
我即可语塞,然后边上车边回敬道:“sorry, I am waiting for my handsome boyfriend." 胖子还不死心,两人在车里继续编排了一会儿, 呵呵。

某天,他做了啥我不满意的事, 我说:you will be punished! 他回敬:yes, I will get 10 kisses! 所以根本就生气不起来。


怪和他弟弟来访的女性朋友说:没看见过这么affectionate的couple, 换句话,没见过像你们这样互粘和显摆感情的,呵呵。