西雅图夜未眠(三)--Snoqualmie Falls
文章来源: chris20042007-07-10 14:03:53


西雅图夜未眠(三)--Snoqualmie Falls

说来惭愧,Snoqualmie Falls离我家很近。在I-90上#25出口旁边。但是一直没去玩过。前段时间在一个PARTY上和朋友聊起带我父母玩的事情,朋友说你家附近的Snoqualmie Falls就很好玩。他们常常去。我在SEATTLE导游手册里看到过,但是总是没有排在我们玩的日程上。周末一看天气又是一个艳阳天。一家老小穿上Hiking Shoes开开心心上路了。

看到瀑布后感觉真是很吸引人的地方。每年大约超过1.5 million的游客来访。瀑布所在公园风景优美,设施齐全,野餐桌,礼品店以及酒店等都在瀑布附近。它是在西雅图里蛮著名的。这个瀑布不但是观光地点,还有一个提供一万六千户人家的水力供电厂,而且亦是一个环境蛮不错的婚礼举行胜地呢!

这是在观景亭上照的观景亭建在瀑布对面的山上,位于Snoqualmie River上空300英尺处,在这里可以清楚地欣赏到壮观的瀑布。瀑布从悬崖顶端凌空飞流而下,倾入底下的幽谷中,势如翻江倒海,同时发出震天巨响。急速直下的水流在幽谷中溅起一片水雾,在阳光照射下,水雾又化作道道彩虹,奇妙而美丽。从近三百英尺高空垂直飞泻而下的瀑布真让游人产生"疑是银河落九天"的幻觉。

这是我们走 trail时照的,小河清流潺潺,声韵清脆,宛如轻音乐协奏曲。





Directions from downtown Seattle:

1. Start out going NORTHEAST on MARION ST toward 6TH AVE. (0.1 miles
2. Turn RIGHT onto 6TH AVE. (0.2 miles)
3. Take the I-5 S / I-90 E ramp toward PORTLAND. (0.4 miles)
4. Merge onto I-90 E via the exit on the LEFT toward BELLEVUE / SPOKANE. (22.9 miles)
5. Take the Highway 18 W exit - EXIT 25. (0.2 miles)
6. Turn LEFT (at the bottom of the ramp) onto Highway 18/SE SNOQUALMIE PKWY. (3.7 miles)
8. Turn LEFT onto RAILROAD AVE SE / WA-202. Continue to follow WA-202. (0.8 miles)

As Time Goes By

Singer: Frank Sinatra

You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss,'
A sigh is just a sigh,
The fundamental things apply, as time goes by.
And when two lovers woo, they still say "I love you,"
on that you can rely,
No matter what the future brings, as time goes by.
Moonlight and love songs, never out of date,
Hearts full of passion, jealousy and hate,
Woman needs man, and man must have his mate,
there's no one can deny.
It's still the same old story, a fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die,
The world will always welcome lovers, as time goes by.