
唵啊吽 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:


(2010-11-16 14:38:19) 下一个

从1842年至1949年,全球人口从11亿增加到25亿,增加了128%, 而同时间中国人口只增加了1.2亿,增加了30%。从1949年至1962年,即到三年灾害以后,中国人口增加了1.2亿,增加了23%, 即建国后到三年灾害以后,中国人口的增加等于鸦片战争以后100年的人口增加,而1949年至1962年全球人口增加了21%,略低于中国人口增长率。现在有人炒作三年灾害的非正常死亡人数,并以此推论新中国建国后是中国历史最黑暗的年代,这种推论完全不顾历史事实。百年屈辱才是中国非正常死亡更高的年代。















































































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唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复slow_quick的评论:

slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:


唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复slow_quick的评论:

slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:

"百年屈辱,3年人祸", those are not something you want one over the other. They are bad historical periods and you don't want any of them to repeat. 新中国 is not equal to 3年人祸, as United States is not equal to its Civil War. You are obviously switching concepts.

Who I am is not important. The important thing is whether the rate of damage caused by "3年人祸" is actually higher than the things you try to compare with (unfortunately it is). Of course "3年人祸", which happened in peaceful years, should not be compared with war period but it is you who ask people to compare them. Let the numbers talk if you want to compare. Do not question other people's intention when try to debate the facts. You brought the subject so you better be able to defend your logic and conclusion.

I don't understand why you force people to choose between "百年屈辱" and "3年人祸". Why can't we choose between "3年人祸" and something happy, such as "三自一包", "改革开放", "小康社会"?
827 回复 悄悄话 回复铁森的评论:
jsbyy 回复 悄悄话 3年人祸,请看这个,人大社会学教授:


唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复神8的评论:
Some people compare Three Years of Disaster to Naking Massacre, and say Communist China kills more people than Naking Massacre. Such a comparing is totally wrong. It was true that many people died during Cultural Revolution and Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist Party have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. Saying Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as saying democratic America kills more American than 911 attact. As every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and bad government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. Saying communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just the same as saying Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As we know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If there are someone who wants to killed Chinese people intentionally during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries, including democratic ones, just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution in reducing world poverty. Many poor peasants of yesterday are rich entrepreneurs today in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless the label put on China as communist or capitalist, the present Chinese government works for the better of China and the world.
神8 回复 悄悄话 不管是3千万还是2千万,即便你把数字缩小到1千万,也还是非常触目惊心的!这些人的死为了什么?为了毛泽东异想天开的人民公社,大锅饭实验。他们就像实验室里的小白鼠一样仅仅为了毛泽东的好奇心死去。一个国家的命运落到这种草菅人命的人手里难道不是悲剧吗?你怎么还忍心为他们辩护,掩盖真相?
熊萎 回复 悄悄话 三年自然灾害没饿死过人;文革也没整死人,皇军不杀人,不放火,也不抢粮食。
novemberwind 回复 悄悄话 支持楼主的文章.狗叫得越欢越说明你踢到他们的痛处了,就当是给你的喝彩吧.
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复有人夸我是唐僧!的评论:
有人夸我是唐僧! 回复 悄悄话 走廊里有个贴子说川岛芳子,跟这里这个讨论正好紧密关联:

唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复有人夸我是唐僧!的评论:


有人夸我是唐僧! 回复 悄悄话 吽兄一个数字对比贴引来一帮子控诉的啊 :))

唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 一些炒作三年死亡人数的人,无非是想美国帮助中国民主,不过,这些人最好看看今天的海地。


唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复yyg198的评论:







甲午战争日本搭上全球列强瓜分世界的最后一班车,甲午战争日本要中国赔偿巨额战争赔款。这些赔款,是清廷一时拿不出手的,由列强贷款給中国赔偿,从那以后中国收刮民脂民膏的税收就作为战争赔款的债务的本利每月在上海交割分配到列强手中,中国工业化原始积累的途径由此中断。这个甲午战争赔款成为日本工业化的原始积累,日本从经济危机中一战而摆脱危机进而跃居列强。这个甲午战争赔款利滚利越滚越大,加上庚子赔款,中国民族资产阶级的民主革命和中国工业化现代化道路被堵死。帝制推翻了,北洋政府继承旧债,北洋政府被推翻了,蒋介石政府继续继承这旧债,所以中国工业化遥遥无期。是毛泽东建立的新中国不承认这些晚清旧债,才使得中国得以在建国后自力更生打下工业化的基础。现在妖化毛泽东的人拿中国工业化原始积累的城乡差别说事,是因为毛泽东阻止了西方把蒋介石收刮的民脂民膏分发給列强作为债务偿还。西方收债时中国百姓再苦也是“法治社会”, 一个维持甲午战争后列强利益均分的“国际法”。自毛泽东不受这个“国际法”的束缚以后,中国从此背上了没有法制的恶名。






铁森 回复 悄悄话 在大饥荒期间,由于严重营养不良,大批妇女闭经,男子精子减少,失去生育能力,加上饥饿使得夫妻生活减少,因而出生率普遍下降。从大饥荒的实际 情况来看,饥饿对生育率下降的影响远胜于死亡率的提高。例如,上海市1960年的死亡率0.68%,比1957年的0.60%上升不多。但1960年的出生率2.76%,1961年的出生率只有2.24%,比1957年的4.56%下降了很大的幅度。所以,上海在大饥荒期间,很少饿死人,但有约14万正常 年景下应当出生的人口没有出生。如果按上海的数据推算到全国,每年少出生约1000万,1959-1961共少出生约3000万。
yyg198 回复 悄悄话 请看新华社高级记者杨继绳老先生写的字字血泪的“墓碑”吧,这才是真相!
yyg198 回复 悄悄话 我是所谓三年自然灾害,实为人祸的亲历者。我家也与其他几千万人一样为同国家克服困难,而从城镇户口转为农村户口,实际就是强行取消每人每月20多斤的定粮。黑市粮买不起,我的高中阶段就濒临极度饥饿。农村里本来播下菜秧二个月就能收获,但谁种谁就要被批斗,要革资本主义尾巴。
slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 请版主不要回避主题及自己提供的论据:




39年减少4.700千万,4.700千万/4.16亿=11.298%, 每年减少约0.307%。





唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复longtermInvestor的评论:
"Caused" is defferent from "killing". US gorvernment cannot eliminate gun crime just as China gorvernment cannot control themselves in the Cultual Reverlution. You are using more suitable word "Caused" than the other who use "killed". "kill" implies intention. US gorvernment intented to reduse gun crime but gun crimes still continured. China government intended to get rid of proverty ?Chinese people but at some years got the opposite result. And it is ture that gun crime kills more US citizents than 911 attack.
longtermInvestor 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:

gun crimes is not caused by US gov, culture revolution is caused/directed by Chinese gov, you are not comparing the same stuff.

It is true, communist party caused more harm than Nanking massacre. For Nanking massacre, we know it is enemies who are responsible, for culture revolution, Chinese people got confused, not only do we suffer the pain, but also we are lost completely, no one to trust, motherland, comrades, friends, relatives, who can we trust, as a nation, we are still struggling.
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复满儿的评论:

Some people compare Three Years of Disaster to Naking Massacre, and say Communist China kills more people than Naking Massacre. Such a comparing is totally wrong. It was true that many people died during Cultural Revolution and Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist Party have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. Saying Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as saying democratic America kills more American than 911 attact. As every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and bad government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. Saying communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just the same as saying Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As we know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If there are someone who wants to killed Chinese people intentionally during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries, including democratic ones, just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution in reducing world poverty. Many poor peasants of yesterday are rich entrepreneurs today in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless the label put on China as communist or capitalist, the present Chinese government works for the better of China and the world.
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复slow_quick的评论:
Some people compare Three Years of Disaster to Naking Massacre, and say Communist China kills more people than Naking Massacre. Such a comparing is totally wrong. It was true that many people died during Cultural Revolution and Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist Party have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. Saying Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as saying democratic America kills more American than 911 attact. As every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and bad government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. Saying communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just the same as saying Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As we know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If there are someone who wants to killed Chinese people intentionally during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries, including democratic ones, just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution in reducing world poverty. Many poor peasants of yesterday are rich entrepreneurs today in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless the label put on China as communist or capitalist, the present Chinese government works for the better of China and the world.
slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽




满儿 回复 悄悄话 回复niu02的评论:
满儿 回复 悄悄话 回复Rafale的评论:
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复Rafale的评论:


Rafale 回复 悄悄话 太平天国弄死五千丌人

Rafale 回复 悄悄话 太平天国弄死了最少几千丌人
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复bluespruce的评论:
Some people compare Three Years of Disaster to Naking Massacre, and say Communist China kills more people than Naking Massacre. Such a comparing is totally wrong. It was true that many people died during Cultural Revolution and Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist Party have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. Saying Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as saying democratic America kills more American than 911 attact. As every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and bad government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. Saying communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just the same as saying Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As we know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If there are someone who wants to killed Chinese people intentionally during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries, including democratic ones, just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution in reducing world poverty. Many poor peasants of yesterday are rich entrepreneurs today in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless the label put on China as communist or capitalist, the present Chinese government works for the better of China and the world.
bluespruce 回复 悄悄话 版主如不是大陆政府的枪手的话,那真得是属于被党洗脑洗得最彻底的那类人了。共产党最杰出的地方是给人洗脑。那叫一个绝。你去过中国农村吗?! 知道那里的人是多么可怜吗?知道文革死了多少人吗?人的生命和尊严在党的眼里算什么呀!你在这里比较59-62的饿死人和鸦片战争死去的人的意义是WHAT? 叫大家别恨这个 人为地饿人的政府? IT IS STUPID 在这比那个最多。又不是要上吉斯尼记录,62年死的人就算比鸦片战争死去的人少是说明共产党好??? 你在哪呢?就冲你叫现在的中国是新中国已足以看那出你要么是可悲的脑痴,要么是昧了良心的枪手。 恶心!!
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复F-U的评论:
Some people compare Three Years of Disaster to Naking Massacre, and say Communist China kills more people than Naking Massacre. Such a comparing is totally wrong. It was true that many people died during Cultural Revolution and Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist Party have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. Saying Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as saying democratic America kills more American than 911 attact. As every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and bad government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. Saying communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just the same as saying Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As we know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If there are someone who wants to killed Chinese people intentionally during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries, including democratic ones, just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution in reducing world poverty. Many poor peasants of yesterday are rich entrepreneurs today in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless the label put on China as communist or capitalist, the present Chinese government works for the better of China and the world.
F-U 回复 悄悄话 你的逻辑是这样的: 一个人脾气暴躁打死自己两个孩子,强盗杀死他三个孩子,你觉得他不该受谴责,因为强盗杀死的更多。这么荒谬的逻辑也居然公然宣示,不是心智有问题就是有意误导。
chris8911 回复 悄悄话 作者是共产党花钱买的枪手吧。听说最近中共高了一帮人,付钱给他们,专门在网上发帖子回帖子。还能翻墙到国外的论坛放屁。
niu02 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:


如果说鸦片战争中国人民生活得比新中国差, 那关那三年什么事呢? 为什么标题和内容完全不关联呢?

如果你想说鸦片战争中国人民非正常死亡率比那三年高, 你又用的是1949-1962年的数据.

niu02 回复 悄悄话 回复finesse的评论:

我妈那时只是个小科员, 凭什么要为你主子的罪恶负责?

再说一次, 你父母虽然不应该生了你, 但还是不应该被枪毙, 只有你这种渣滓才该被枪毙
前后左右 回复 悄悄话 坚持真理不人云亦云。顶楼主。
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 最近网上看到的捂眼睛文章:“今日的中国已经不再有亡国灭种的危机感和焦虑感,我们走出了那个一阵阵发冷汗的时代,不再说胡话,回归正常状态。危机感固然消退了,但是百年国耻留下的“受害人情结”仍然存在。这种情结让我们对他国总是心存疑虑、愤愤不平,不是觉得人人试图合起伙来害我,就是觉得谁都对不起我”。





甲午战争日本搭上全球列强瓜分世界的最后一班车,甲午战争日本要中国赔偿巨额战争赔款。这些赔款,是清廷一时拿不出手的,由列强贷款給中国赔偿,从那以后中国收刮民脂民膏的税收就作为战争赔款的债务的本利每月在上海交割分配到列强手中,中国工业化原始积累的途径由此中断。这个甲午战争赔款成为日本工业化的原始积累,日本从经济危机中一战而摆脱危机进而跃居列强。这个甲午战争赔款利滚利越滚越大,加上庚子赔款,中国民族资产阶级的民主革命和中国工业化现代化道路被堵死。帝制推翻了,北洋政府继承旧债,北洋政府被推翻了,蒋介石政府继续继承这旧债,所以中国工业化遥遥无期。是毛泽东建立的新中国不承认这些晚清旧债,才使得中国得以在建国后自力更生打下工业化的基础。现在妖化毛泽东的人拿中国工业化原始积累的城乡差别说事,是因为毛泽东阻止了西方把蒋介石收刮的民脂民膏分发給列强作为债务偿还。西方收债时中国百姓再苦也是“法治社会”, 一个维持甲午战争后列强利益均分的“国际法”。自毛泽东不受这个“国际法”的束缚以后,中国从此背上了没有法制的恶名。






finesse 回复 悄悄话 回复niu02的评论:

满儿 回复 悄悄话 回复满儿的评论:
满儿 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:
mililila 回复 悄悄话 我一个同事说他当时上学,两年学校取消体育课;为让家人多吃一点,他妈妈每天晚饭前先喝水灌饱肚子。


bill007 回复 悄悄话 不管怎样4千5百万人饿死,毛的罪责是逃不脱的!
slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:
Do you have numbers for the (abnormal) death during the cultural revolution (1966-1976), can you compare the number to the numbers during 1958-1961? You will find that 1958-1961 is much worse than 1966-1976.

"三年灾害”? What 灾害 are you talking about?
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 回复满儿的评论:



满儿 回复 悄悄话 把和平时期的非正常死亡人数和战争年代非正常死亡人数相比,是没有最起码的基本常识。
CMOS 回复 悄悄话 放心了! 居然不是最糟的.
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 Some people compare Three Years of Disaster to Naking Massacre, and say Communist China kills more people than Naking Massacre. Such a comparing is totally wrong. It was true that many people died during Cultural Revolution and Communist government was responsible for that. Chinese people and Communist Party have all admitted that. Just like every year many people died of gun crime in US. US people and government admit the fact and everybody know that it’s the reasonability of US government to reduce the gun crimes. Saying Communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre, however, is just the same as saying democratic America kills more American than 911 attract. As every year about 10 thousands of American was killed in gun crimes.

The difference between Culture Revelation as well as three years of disaster and Nanking massacre is just the same as between US gun crimes and 911. One is due to social instability and bad government policies, and other is due to foreign invasion. During Culture Revolution, the death rate is much higher for government officials and CCP officials than the rate in other group. Saying communist China kills more people than Nanking massacre is just the same as saying Democratic America is killing more America than 911. During three years of disaster, many poor Chinese died of hunger, Chinese people know that, and Chinese government know that, and they all know something is not correct, just like US people know that so many gun crimes in US is not correct. There are more poor people died in three years of disaster than government officials is just like there are more poor people fall as gun crimes victims in US. There must be some communists died during three years of disasters, and many who died have relatives as communists. As we know, during civil war in China, it was the most poor who joint the Communist Party. 1959 was only 10 year after civil war and majority of Chinese population was still in countryside. At that time, most of government and party officials were come from the countryside and come from poor families. If there are someone who wants to killed Chinese people intentionally during 1959-1961 and Cultural Revolution, then it should be United States and Soviet Union. They succeed in putting economic sanction on China, which led to humanitarian disasters indirectly.

Communist China is bad. Chinese know it. But Chinese are not foolish enough to overthrow it, as they know that the present China is still the best among all other forms of governments they tried since Opium War. Since Opium War, Chinese tried democracy under Sun Yet-sent but all the Western countries, including democratic ones, just support local war lords in China to extent their state interest at the expense of Chinese democracy and at the expense of Chinese people. That’s why Dr. Sun turned to Soviet and welcomed Communist in China.

In the last a few decades, poverty population reduced all over the world, and China made the number one contribution in reducing world poverty. Many poor peasants of yesterday are rich entrepreneurs today in China, thanks to market economy adapted by Communist China. Regardless the label put on China as communist or capitalist, the present Chinese government works for the better of China and the world.
吐谷浑 回复 悄悄话 你真他M的还在睁眼说瞎话!所有的天气水文记录都表明59年~62年是风调雨顺的三年,你他M的到今天还在像纳粹戈贝尔一样,“三年灾害”,“三年灾害”地不停地重复这个谎言,真以为重复到第一万零一遍就真的成真理了!
Go to hell!
slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 回复唵啊吽的评论:
Did 中国人民自己主导 1958-1961 ? Why you try so hard to smooth 1959-1962 out by quoting 1949-1979 ? In China's history, 1958-1961 should always be singled out, and should never be forgotten. Are you trying to challenge the numbers (20-40 million death from famine, without a major war, natural disaster or disease)? In which 3 years before 1949 do we have more people died from famine, without major war, natural disaster or disease)?

You may cheer China's achievement before and after that 3 year period but covering up that 3 years will only weaken your overall score. People who experienced the period are still alive and they are also on this web (WenxuCity, 润涛阎).
lianggeren 回复 悄悄话 楼主是想否认三年(1958 - 1961)死了几千万人口呢,还是想说,即使死了几千万,也还不是中国历史上最黑暗的时期?

无论如何,都只说明中华民族灾难深重 - 面对吧,比粉饰要有意义。。。
mightyredsfi 回复 悄悄话 回复slow_quick的评论:

that WAS the worst
niu02 回复 悄悄话 那段饿死的历史还没有过去, 大量当事人还健在, 就有人开始试图去抹杀了?
我母亲当时在甘肃省政府工作, 她说那时候没有人去统计饿死人数, 但大家都知道在甘肃省起码上百万.
niu02 回复 悄悄话 你更是脱离了历史主线来判断吧.

你言下之意是共产党使中国获得了60年和平. 新中国成立60年是世界的大环境是和平, 不是只有中国才有和平. 相反, 中国还在朝鲜战争中付出了几十万生命. 如果是国民党执政, 那次韩战基本上是可以避免的吧?
唵啊吽 回复 悄悄话 经常看到一些网贴,说新中国言论不如国民党统治时期自由,民主不如北洋军阀政府,人权不如满清,等等。这些当然都脱离了历史主线来评断。因为自鸦片战争以来,中国一直在贫困和战乱中挣扎,直到新中国成立以后才有了60年和平发展的机会。如果新中国都不如前三朝,则无法解释今天国际新闻中惊呼的中国超过日本,中国威胁,等等。





slow_quick 回复 悄悄话 Why you only say "from 1949 to 1963". You should do "1959 to 1962" instead. 1959-1962 is one of the worst periods in Chinese history, if not THE worst. Most agrees that between 20 and 40 million people died abnormally in that 3 year period. This is not from natural disasters or wars. Anyone who thinks this is OK has no heart.
ahhhh 回复 悄悄话 欢呼一下。新中国比气数已尽的满清强,饿死的比内战和抗日死的人少!