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• #跟帖# 罗贯中应该读过这段后,写下不朽差评:色厉胆薄,好谋无断,干大事而惜身,见小利而忘命。 [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-12 | |
• APAD: More haste, less speed [美语世界] - 7grizzly(8916 bytes ) 2025-01-12 | |
• #跟帖# Someone who? And which tool? [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-11 | |
• #跟帖# Inspiring proverb and love the writing. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-11 | |
• #跟帖# MW keeps the meaning? Good. So does AHD5. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-10 | |
• #跟帖# of excellent & foppery. The Apple dictionary's dropped 'em. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-10 | |
• #跟帖# The blame game. Gmail's dict'ry must've dropped those senses [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-10 | |
• #跟帖# Life’s an acquired taste, someone said. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-09 | |
• #跟帖# Thanks. Appreciate it. No wonder insurers balk at Cal homes. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-09 | |
• #跟帖# might prove to be nothing more than just another plop. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-09 | |
• #跟帖# attention span: 天下大势,分久必合... [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-09 | |
• #跟帖# It's inevitable everywhere. The Chinese just have a shorter [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-09 | |
• APAD: May you live in interesting times. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(14144 bytes ) 2025-01-09 | |
• #跟帖# No one I know but some Canadians prefer the merger, I heard. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-08 | |
• #跟帖# The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-07 | |
• #跟帖# Strength training is also important for life-long running. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# An avocado seed can take the better part of the fruit. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# Great soups before humble aprons stew. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# Yes. That preschool/daycare is still there. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# Thanks. Naming is an important art. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# while sauntering across to the Kennedy Sculling resort. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# Great job! Regular exercise is crucial to well-being. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• APAD: Great oaks from little acorns grow [美语世界] - 7grizzly(5795 bytes ) 2025-01-06 | |
• #跟帖# It might work on Maowi. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-05 | |
• #跟帖# Looks nice. Would love lots of sugar. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-05 | |
• #跟帖# Good to learn 'dog whistle.' [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-05 | |
• #跟帖# Good to know. There's a BJJ retreat in Tamarindo. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-05 | |
• #跟帖# It's tough. The line has to be drawn somewhere. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-05 | |
• #跟帖# In rainy days, coffee, jazz, and books better themselves. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-04 | |
• #跟帖# 'fly' does have that connotation. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• #跟帖# Close, only smaller :-) [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• #跟帖# 感觉是个旁观者。 [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• #跟帖# So are not cameras in public places. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• #跟帖# Nice! [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• #跟帖# Thank you. It confirms the undertone of `fly.' [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• APAD: Fly on the wall [美语世界] - 7grizzly(11770 bytes ) 2025-01-03 | |
• #跟帖# It might not work in the underground parking of a building. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-02 | |
• #跟帖# I heard it takes a reservoir to douse a lit cybertruck. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-02 | |
• #跟帖# Well done! Writing can&often relates better. J'd be moved. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-02 | |
• #跟帖# Hard to do good and duck the backfire. 记得一句台词:奸臣奸,忠臣要更奸。 [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-02 | |
• #跟帖# Was it 'barred owl'? The red bean flower bread looks great! [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-01 | |
• #跟帖# I love all my doctors but want nothing to do with the system [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2025-01-01 | |
• #跟帖# Don’t think doctors can help with this one:-) [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• #跟帖# Hermes got a Midas touch. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• #跟帖# Think so if he shows it off often :-) [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• #跟帖# Thank you and happy new year to you! [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• #跟帖# They probably thought I should go to a drug rehab :-) [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• #跟帖# Any syringe with a needle to drain the fluid in the swelling [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• APAD: Fashion statement [美语世界] - 7grizzly(15091 bytes ) 2024-12-31 | |
• #跟帖# Peace feels better. [美语世界] - 7grizzly(0 bytes ) 2024-12-30 | |
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