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    #跟帖#  yeah!!!!!! [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-13
    耶鲁在NCAA冰球决赛领先,藤校多年来在NCAA的最好战绩,ESPN评论员说YALIE在SHOW他们的小脑 [体育看台] - 安一安(137 bytes ) 2013-04-13
    #跟帖#  A Smith said at First Take (ESPN) that [体育看台] - 安一安(68 bytes ) 2013-04-13
    #跟帖#  算最接近MJ的吧 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-13
    现在可以这么说了,NBA里可以和MJ比肩的唯有KOBE [体育看台] - 安一安(95 bytes ) 2013-04-13
    #跟帖#  有时会打封闭止痛消炎,是激素类药物,打多了,更易造成跟键脆裂。 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-13
    #跟帖#  paker, duncan, melo, wade, r all candidates [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    乌鸦嘴一下,估计今年季后赛中还会有几个大牌球员被废,NBA太残酷了 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  只是不想看到他如此收场 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    科比这种玩命的打发,受重伤是迟早的事。真是一个悲剧英雄。可比不再,不看湖人了。 [体育看台] - 安一安(263 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  不是KOBE的料, 但是比KOBE还独 [体育看台] - 安一安(20 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  ref is bad [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  haha, you r sooo cute [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  team D is bad, need to be more physical and box out [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  hahah, you made me laugh [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    Espin first take on GUAN now! [体育看台] - 安一安(6 bytes ) 2013-04-12
    #跟帖#  非常不容易,特别是考虑到YALE不RECUIT [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-11
    #跟帖#  我更喜欢看小林打球。因为他是我"NEXT DOOR BOY" [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-10
    ESPN/NBA TV评论员曾说LIN PLAYS HIS BEST WHEN THE BEST PLAYER IS BENC [体育看台] - 安一安(96 bytes ) 2013-04-01
    #跟帖#  me2, missed first 3Qs [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-04-01
    #跟帖#  是的,但作为林谜,更愿意看到小林打得好. [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-31
    希望明天哈登继续板凳,小林带队在主场痛宰弱旅魔术队,让咱再爽一把 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-31
    #跟帖#  yes, if U r a role player,U would definitely liketo play w/ Lin [体育看台] - 安一安(71 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  at least two calls against Lin are false [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  same here. he is not LBJ,kobe, MJ anyway [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  Lin got beat up many times w/o whistle in many games [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  小林从来没有让我失望过。一两场打不好,很快就能调整过来。好样的。 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  Lin is having on-site interview now [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  Lin is having on-site interview now [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-30
    #跟帖#  教练有病,板凳捞到还差7分时竟然不上主力 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-29
    #跟帖#  教练有病,板凳捞到还差7分时竟然不上主力 [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-29
    #跟帖#  where the left side were wide open [体育看台] - 安一安(0 bytes ) 2013-03-29
    #跟帖#  同意,小林今天没打好.要多跑动才能有机会.和PARKER比,他跑动不够积极。BEVERY就比他跑动多 [体育看台] - 安一安(601 bytes ) 2013-03-24
    #跟帖#  yao only had one session with the Dream in his school. [体育看台] - 安一安(103 bytes ) 2013-02-16
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