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    #跟帖#  hahaha, he's 2 stubborn&logical,so maybe 4ever:))) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-03
    #跟帖#  remember thatScene2, in aLibraryFull ofWooden furniture;-))) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(76 bytes ) 2024-06-03
    #跟帖#  true. but there is always individuality ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-03
    #跟帖#  1 can see further by standing upon shoulders of giants ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-03
    APAD: Teachers die, but books live on [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(3078 bytes ) 2024-06-03
    猫之初性本善 ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(497 bytes ) 2024-06-03
    #跟帖#  对,本恶本善都是很悲观或太乐观的看法。还觉得本恶可能对非人类动物更适用, 但 [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(368 bytes ) 2024-06-02
    #跟帖#  人之初性本善? hmm ... [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-02
    #跟帖#  poor Bill, hopeHe isOk now. Such a drak image byTH, where's [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-02
    #跟帖#  夸奖过分就是折磨啦,担当不起哈!其实是非专业又非常胆怯,以前从未做过,一点点儿小心试,觉得难了就害怕了躲起来了哈;) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-01
    #跟帖#  赞灵美眉的不懈努力!!! 谢谢哈 :) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-01
    #跟帖#  ChineseView ofMan in1937 was soDifferent fromToday's, sigh [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-01
    #跟帖#  true,butMaowi refused anything on hisBody, even 3monthOld [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-01
    #跟帖#  VeryNice reading asUsual! with theEnd inSight, Thx&Thx!!! [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-06-01
    #跟帖#  haha,haveTried b4, butMaowi theCat wouldFreeze if wear aBelt [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(98 bytes ) 2024-06-01
    #跟帖#  why not? 1 can talk 1 can balance = ordinary miracle [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  这个童话写的很油墨,所以也是个很好玩儿的笑话,让人一边捧腹大笑一边思考哈 [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  while this one is 队员做事儿没为或不为队里他人着想而造成人失队散的结果 ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  haha, yes&no. Yes = 都是悲剧。No = 煮豆燃萁是指兄弟同胞之间自相残杀的惨景; [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  Just added theFact into theStory. Sorry and Thx 2 both U&暖冬 [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  that's 4sure + mayEven understandMore afterBeen throughLife! [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  but is theMostDecent 1 among the 3 and I admire her forThat! [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  哈哈,我小时候是从格林童话的中文版开始认字的,后来也从英文版又学到了不少。Yes, theStarw is naive, [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  coz theCoal was a burning one sprang out of the fire [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  and a lonely survivor [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    APAD: The straw, The coal, and The bean [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(4338 bytes ) 2024-05-31
    #跟帖#  Too scary! run fast, run away! ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  it was an accident, not onPurpose ! ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  hahahaha [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  MtBaker, limped for 1st 1.5hr, butLickIntoShape&noPain after [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  Good proverb! reminds me of myOwn: tweaked knee goingHiking [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  it'sn't dead, but preserved &liveMuchLonger thanOthers:))) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  thx 2 Grimms' Fairy Tale :-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    Joke of the day: conversation between 2 portobello mushrooms [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(1906 bytes ) 2024-05-30
    #跟帖#  Little Red Riding Hood dancing to new destination :-))) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(32 bytes ) 2024-05-29
    #跟帖#  Butterflies flying, birds singing :-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-29
    #跟帖#  An endless field of flowering garden [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-29
    #跟帖#  booze and pudding? just kidding ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-29
    #跟帖#  guess 1 can't put guests in frezzer like fish but keep the [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-29
    #跟帖#  I'm sure God has lots of jokes to tell ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-28
    #跟帖#  good for U! same here. [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-28
    #跟帖#  谢谢!大学宿舍舍友曾忠言:“如果你以后万一失业了,就去电台读童话故事吧。” :-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-28
    #跟帖#  can't keep a pokerface, so always lose :-))) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-28
    APAD: Man plans God laughs ;-) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(2939 bytes ) 2024-05-28
    #跟帖#  very true! [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-27
    #跟帖#  not2Good soFar: ?2,000 worseOff pp 2023 who knows future? ;) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-27
    #跟帖#  嗯,bAwareOf BrexitEffects, don't let it happen2U;)“知人者智,自知者明“ [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-27
    #跟帖#  ok. U break Ur fast at lunchOrSupper, not at break-fast ;) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-26
    #跟帖#  hahaha, but isn't breakfast theMost ImportantMeal ofTheDay? [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-26
    #跟帖#  could U reverse it: fasting after a BIG breakfast? ;-))) [美语世界] - 最西边的岛上(0 bytes ) 2024-05-26
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