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• #跟帖# thanks! [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2010-05-23 | |
• 请问收到绿卡批准的EMAIL后多久可以拿到绿卡。 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(67 bytes ) 2010-05-22 | |
• #跟帖# thanks a lot! [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2010-05-07 | |
• #跟帖# 非常感谢,我最后一次FP是200805做的,如果没有收到FP [移民论坛] - wxc2227(30 bytes ) 2010-05-07 | |
• #跟帖# 回复:是不是从预批的架子上拿下就发通知了?GXGX [移民论坛] - wxc2227(8 bytes ) 2010-05-06 | |
• 收到card production ordered email,还有Notice mailed [移民论坛] - wxc2227(240 bytes ) 2010-05-06 | |
• PD是2005-08-22,今天 card production ordered [移民论坛] - wxc2227(4 bytes ) 2010-05-05 | |
• 现在WOM还有用吗?哪里可以得到DIY的信息? [移民论坛] - wxc2227(36 bytes ) 2010-04-18 | |
• #跟帖# 回复:建议去InfoPass,那里的IO或许可以帮你查查你的进度 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(63 bytes ) 2010-04-17 | |
• PD 200509,下个月就current了,刚才去USCIS网站上看了下,LUD竟然还是200509, [移民论坛] - wxc2227(32 bytes ) 2010-04-17 | |
• 关于WOM官司,请问 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(170 bytes ) 2009-05-31 | |
• 一直搞不清楚的问题,关于processing time和职业移民绿卡签证排期 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(68 bytes ) 2009-04-09 | |
• 请问,H1,要从一个学校换到另外一个学校, [移民论坛] - WXC2227(113 bytes ) 2009-01-31 | |
• #跟帖# 同情你,也同情我自己,我们情况基本一样。 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-30 | |
• #跟帖# 我,特倒霉的。NC过了还是没有消息。 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-30 | |
• #跟帖# 我也想这样做,可是律师说有时485 LINK不到新的CASE上 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(18 bytes ) 2008-09-30 | |
• 今天收到移民局的回信,请帮忙看看什么是addtional review [移民论坛] - wxc2227(304 bytes ) 2008-09-23 | |
• #跟帖# 哪里可以找到VISA#的信息? [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-20 | |
• #跟帖# 我联系了议员办公室,他们也这样告诉我 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(70 bytes ) 2008-09-20 | |
• #跟帖# 托你的吉言!谢谢! [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-18 | |
• #跟帖# all the best! [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-18 | |
• 今天去INFOPASS的经历 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(307 bytes ) 2008-09-18 | |
• #跟帖# 我的理解是有收据就 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(16 bytes ) 2008-09-09 | |
• #跟帖# yes, yes [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-09 | |
• #跟帖# xiexie!! [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-09 | |
• #跟帖# 谢谢回答。 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-09 | |
• 现在是H1博士后,想转到另一学校去,新的学校已经在给我办H1 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(84 bytes ) 2008-09-09 | |
• #跟帖# 那就先恭喜你啦! [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• #跟帖# details? [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• #跟帖# 是不是补材料? [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• #跟帖# did you have any LUDs before Sept 03? [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• #跟帖# that is like a lottery [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• #跟帖# should be fine [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• #跟帖# nothing to be excited about, i think [移民论坛] - wxc2227(0 bytes ) 2008-09-08 | |
• 请问现在不CURRENT的EB2可以WOM NAME CHECK吗? [移民论坛] - wxc2227(32 bytes ) 2008-01-03 | |
• 有谁象我这样,485 2005年09月交的,两次FP,可是网上 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(65 bytes ) 2007-09-15 | |
• my NC is still pending. I want to write to [移民论坛] - wxc2227(82 bytes ) 2007-07-25 | |
• #跟帖# 回复:I-140 LUD 为什么更新 [移民论坛] - wxc2227(31 bytes ) 2007-07-25 | |
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