

NCAHF 是The National Council Against Health Fraud的简略.是以保护消费者利益,揭露医疗欺骗为目的的美国非赢利组织.对针灸(较中肯的对针灸止痛作用的分析)中药等有较客观的揭露和评价.以下是NCAHF关于草药的一篇旧文.很旧,但仍值得一读.其中劝告消费者的几条值得推广,比如第4和第11条.

原文: http://www.ncahf.org/pp/herbal.html


To Consumers:

1. Do not assume that herbal remedies are safe simply because they are natural. Herbal remedies contain substances that can have powerful effects upon the mind and/or body. Use even greater cautions than when taking standard medications.

2. Be cautious about taking medicinal herbs if you are pregnant or attempting to become pregnant.

3. Be cautious about taking medicinal herbs if you are breast feeding a baby; herbal drugs in the body may be transferred to breast milk.

4. Do not give herbs to infants or children.

5. Do not take large quantities of any herbal preparation.

6. Do not take any medicinal herb on a prolonged daily basis.

7. Buy only preparations that identify plants on the label and state contraindications for use.

8. Become familiar with the names of potentially dangerous herbs and be cautious about their use.

9. If you are taking medications, do not use medicinal herbs without checking with your doctor.

10. Do not trust your health to unqualified practitioners who use unregulated titles such as "herbalist," "herb doctor," "Master Herbalist," "herbologist," "Natural Health Counselor," or the like.

11. Beware of exaggerated claims for the benefits of herbal remedies.

12. Insist that herbal marketers meet basic consumer protection standards of labeling, safety and efficacy.




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