I am sailing, I am sailing,/ 航行, 我在航行!
home again 'cross the sea./跨越海洋再次归家!
I am sailing, stormy waters,/穿过暴风雨, 我在航行!
to be near you, to be free./我正航向你, 航向自由!
I am flying, I am flying, / 飞翔, 我在飞翔!
like a bird 'cross the sky./象只鸟儿飞越天空.
I am flying, passing high clouds/ 掠过白云, 我在飞翔!
to be with you, to be free./ 我正飞向你 飞向自由
Can you hear me, can you hear me/ 你可听到我的心声?
thru' the dark night, far away,/ 夜空茫茫, 远隔万里.
I am dying, forever crying,/我将会死去, 永远哭泣.
to be with you, who can say.但我依然飞向你, 甘苦谁能说?
Can you hear me, can you hear me,/你可听到我的心声?
thru' the dark night far away./夜空茫茫, 远隔万里.
I am dying, forever crying,/我将会死去, 永远哭泣.
to be with you, who can say./但我依然向飞你, 甘苦谁能说?
We are sailing, we are sailing,/航行, 我们 一起航行!
home again 'cross the sea./我们一起航向远方的家乡
We are sailing stormy waters,/穿过暴风雨, 我们 一起航行
to be near you, to be free./ 我们正航向你, 航向自由!
Oh Lord.