
来源: 2018-08-24 14:44:02 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


A是一個有故事的人。他當年在中國本科念的就是電子工程,大學在北京。因為熟悉硬件的關係,他平常也在當年的北京矽谷-中關村,有一份兼職,最初從幫人裝電腦,安系統,到後來倒騰水貨內存+CPU, 當然最賺錢的還是從廣州洋垃圾,就是那些退役的服務器中,拆內存和CPU,到中關村批發+零售。當然要硬件檢測一下,對於學電子工程的,這根本不是問題。隨著2001年他從學校畢業,那個時候中關村的電腦生意正是如火如荼,他當時的資金完全可以在中關村租個櫃檯,然後做水貨和行貨的批發+零售。可是他卻南下深圳,在一家台灣人的電子公司做起電子工程師來。台灣人的公司非常雞賊,根本沒有工作合同,每個月都是直接現金打到員工的賬號作為薪水。好在A是北京人,有北京戶口的也看不上那個年代的深圳戶口。所以他主動和公司提出,把應當繳納的社保等都直接作為現金補償到每月薪水中,作為交換,他主動給公司寫一個文書,承認不繳納社保等是個人決定,與公司無關。作為公司員工,他還要不時去香港取一些芯片,順路帶回深圳,也就是帶水貨。當然,每次回來都要不少現金獎勵。在這樣的公司乾了不到12個月,他覺得沒有太大價值。不過他當初來深圳,也就是想仔細考察這改革開放的第一線,特別是給在北京中關村的人脈確定一些水貨的進貨渠道等。

在一次回京探親的時候,他偶然得知有留學歐洲的機會,就是德國。他抱著試一試的心態,從台灣公司辭職,在北京學習了8個月德語。天道酬勤,順路通過德語考試,取得去德國大學的入門券。在一個金秋送爽的9月飛到了德國。到了一個新環境,一切都覺得新鮮。而且他也有錢,在德國的第3個月就搞定德國駕照,在德國買的第一輛車就是Mazda 323。這一輛車伴隨他度過了德國大學歲月,也載著曾經的幾任女友,遊歷歐洲大陸。

那個年代的德國是一個福利國家,只要你能考上德國大學,幾乎沒有讀書時間長度的限制。 A是一個喜歡玩樂和旅遊的人,他在中國賺的錢已經足夠他未來幾年的生活費,而且他平時還在Ebay上賣電腦和電子配件,都是走原來中關村的熟人渠道。德國一個電子工程學位,他讀了足足6年,好在最後畢業一算成績,是honor class,也就是學分最優秀的那個等級。




他是一個川普支持者,也是民豬黨的死敵。他在德國的朋友,則是保守AFD的支持者和黨員,這也是他放心讓孩子們與朋友的孩子交流,玩sleepover 的原因。他家在美國人口普查的那一項,總是選擇白人填寫,因為他們也的確有德國護照。孩子們的身份認同,是美國和德國,但堅決不是中國人。











客场穿深圳昆仑鸿兴黑色队服的,都是美加出生的华裔姑娘 (North American Born Chinese, ABC or CBC)

这是一支组建仅三天的清一色ABC 联队,平均年龄19岁




主场英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC, University of British Columbia), 是加西首屈一指的综合性大学,人才济济。以往中国国家队(哈尔滨队)与UBC对阵占不到便宜。

UBC 穿白色球衣
















ABC 越打越顺手






推搡动手动脚也有发生,ABC 第二局和第三局都有两人被同时罚下场

以3打5,ABC 依然雷厉风行

ABC 越战越勇 再进一球

UBC 把 ABC 团团围住,狂轰乱打,险情频出

以少打多,ABC 拼死防守 毫无惧色



第三局,UBC 全力进攻,试图扳回局面,其守门员一度离开球门加入助攻

ABC 瞅准机会再下一城,比赛三比零完胜

ABC 和UBC 在今天和后天还有两场比赛,祝福她们继续取得胜利。






Tomb Raider 的盔甲下,一样青春动人的笑脸






essay of one ABC 


Clanging pots and honking cars invade the soundtrack of my dreams. The blaring alarm gives my little brother signal to run screaming into my room, “Foreigner, wake up!” My older brother sits at the kitchen table, one hand frantically tapping on his iPhone screen, perfecting his Hearthstone technique, the other hand shoveling steamy porridge into his mouth with crooked chopsticks. Calling goodbye to my host mom, I grab a pork bun and stroll out the door. Thick droplets of sweat slide down my neck as I scurry across the busy street, finding relief in the cool, sleek subway station. I ride line 1 towards Lindun Lu, just in time to catch my morning Chinese classes.         

In the summer of 2017 I was awarded the scholarship sponsored by the U.S. State Department. I spent six weeks in China with 20 other American high school students. We all lived with host families and learned Mandarin every day at Suzhou Number 1 High School.         

Despite my mixed heritage, I always considered myself as first and foremost an American. My Chinese identity, while familiar, was foreign to me. I saw China through the lens of global issues and politics: the country was our adversary, an enemy we were in an elongated struggle with over power and influence. I was detached from my other half - my Chinese-ness was there, but it wasn’t me. I found no reason to believe my life in China would have any similarities to my life in the U.S.         

During my first few weeks in Suzhou, homesick and buckling under the workload, I took heavy note of all the differences. In China, I showered at night. In China, I, the pedestrian, yielded to cars. Carrying toilet paper everywhere became both a hassle and a blessing as the extra space taken up in my bag was justified by my hygienic standards. I longed for home, for the normalcy of suburbia, for America.           

As the weeks flew by and I set into a routine, I began to find luxury in crossing walks and corner convenience stores. I also became enamored with comparing my new and old lives. In China, I played mahjong with my host dad, snacked on spicy duck tongue, and crossed kids up on the basketball court and in the U.S. I beat my dad in chess, gorged on chili cheese dogs, and also crossed kids up on the basketball court.         

For six weeks, I lived life as a student in a country halfway across the world. The language, the city, the people were all different, but in a way, it was all the same. The connections I made, borne from a shared language, were deep and unwavering; in both countries, my parents supported me from help with homework to moral dilemmas, my friends laughed at my jokes and lent me their hands, my siblings annoyed me but I loved them nonetheless. The humanity we shared was raw and unfiltered; it carried the weight of our collective experiences as human beings, blind to any country or culture of origin.         

I am an American, and I love football, burgers and barbecues. I’m also Chinese, adept at using chopsticks, bargaining for cheap knick-knacks on the street, and winning money at the mahjong table. My preconceived notions of my mother’s culture were overturned by my experiences living within and immersing myself into my heritage. Where once I was bashful of my mother’s country and its relationship with my father’s, I now became aware of the evident similarities in lifestyles, people, and humanity between the two. Both my American-ness and Chinese-ness are a part of me, a part of my identity, whether I accept it or not. No longer is there a struggle to determine which is better, which I like more, which I should be. American or Chinese, I don’t have to choose, I’m proud to be both.



