Text from daughter to dad

来源: 2018-06-13 06:36:38 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

This morning from my little sweet heart:

Can l please skip school Friday and leave early Thursday?  I only need to come on Thursday and take one quiz and Friday is the last day of school and no one is going because it is half day and teachers are no longer giving work so it is unnecessary. Also my friend wanted me sleep over Thursday night her name is Linda ^please I am not doing anything anymore for school so going is so unnecessary. Please I have had good attendance and I only need to go Thursday for one period really. Also none of my friends are going to school tomorrow even May is leaving for the beach and Charlotte isn’t going. 

from No Worry:

yes honey love dad 

from my sweetheart:

okay thank you so much 

from NW:

be safe be nice and have fun 

from my little sweet heart:

liked “be safe be nice and have fun “

from NW:

thanks honey