A new Brave New World--being the star of their own movie

来源: career 2017-09-20 19:58:01 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1443 bytes)
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The coming generation is going to spend their brief existence being the star of their own movie, though with no real audience. They will LIKE and FRIEND each other, deluding themselves into thinking everybody is looking back at them and their AMAZING and EPIC life. We have passed through the Industrial Revolution and ended up in the Unsocial Revolution. We left the Gilded Age and entered the Age of Narcissism. It is the only thing many will ever know. Humans, being adaptable creatures, will find ways to enjoy it. 

It is truly a Brave New World, kind of unsightly and uninspiring on the face of it, but anyone over the age of 40 should count himself or herself lucky that he or she enjoyed some of the Good Old Days. "


