培养孩子们口才. 女儿长处之一就是雄辩口才,思维敏捷

来源: 2016-07-17 15:18:14 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Typing Chinese is too difficult. Sorry I am writing in English.
As expected, my daughter works extremely hard and is highly competitive. However, there are too many Asian kids with excellent grades and similiar credentials. It is difficult to stand out. Articualting well and thinking on her feet give her an edge over her peers.
I would definitely encourage reading and being curious at early age. One important thing is to encourage children have conversation with grow-ups, such as teachers, coaches, doctors, friends. If it is an important conversation, practice with them before hand to make sure they will cover the most important topics and know what to say. These convesations will help them build up confidence, speak logically and coherently, and have direct eye contact with adults. Don't over parenting, such as do everything for them or do all the talking.
Of course, Model UN, debate, and Mock Trial are great clubs to participate in high school.