
来源: 2015-07-01 11:02:39 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


巧极了。午饭时候看Harold Schonberg的音乐评论,在谈音乐演奏里的virtuosity是否有用,我觉得讲得挺好的。还引申到其他领域,比如跑步去打破世界纪录,其实从强身健体角度说也没意义哈,可能还起反作用。比如芭蕾演员做几十个单脚转身,又有什么意义?我觉得Schonberg说得挺好:All of these are tributes to the triumph of will over flesh, to a certain kind a dedication that has driven their bodies in an attempt to achieve things nobody else has achieved. Are they worth achieving in the first place? Of course! They are not adding to human wisdom but they are decidedly adding to human enjoyment.

所以就是所有这些事情都enrich human experience,但对各人来说,当然是干自己觉得有意思的事情。比如我就觉得钓鱼不可理解,多闷,好多还得钓完了扔回去吧。可那么多人乐此不疲呢。所以说,好多职业都是除了从业者之外,别人看不到意义呢。消遣更无所谓了。干什么都要证明自己聪明,或者让自己更聪明。让自己开心也是正当的事情哈。