
来源: 2014-04-16 05:20:07 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

以前和被这个老师带过学生的其它家长交流,他们认为这个老师很死板,不好; 我一般是比较少插手儿子的学校学习的,除了每天督促他把作业做完以外。  现在,我不知道是不是因为先入为主对该老师有了偏见? 面对该老师和我汇报的这个数学情况,现在心情是蛮复杂的,哎,我多么希望儿子的数学在初中的时候能被分到6/7!!!有谁能不能给我一些看法和建议。谢谢。


Dear xxx
This is xxx‘'s mother.I have signed up for the third-quarter Email conference.
I have the following concerns.
#1).  How is xxx's class behavior? Does he participate in class discussion? Is he respectful to teachers and classmates?  Does he follow the school/class instruction?
#2). What are his previous grades for case 21? I think there may have 3 exams. I want to know his academic standing in school, the roughly ranking percentile and his potential and your personal thoughts about xxxx. 
#3) I am deeply concerned the 6th grade math placement for xxxx. What are the specific standards? Is your reference required? etc.. Please let me know. And I wish xxxx will succeed in Math.
Thank you so much.



Dear xxx,
Good afternoon. Thank you for the email sharing the questions that you have about xxx's math! I will address each one. First, he is very well behaved in class. I would like to see him participate in class discussions more, though, rather than waiting for me to call on him. He is a very respectful student, and tries his best to follow directions and instruction daily.
There have been 2 CASE 21 MAth tests so far that have been graded. CASE 21 for Q3 is not graded yet. xxx scored a 4 on the first CASE 21 and a 2+ on the Q2 CASE 21. I can share that his grades were a 1, a few 2's and 3's during that time, but in second quarter he did meet most of the benchmarks with practice. The skills that he found challenging were multiplying 2x3 digits and division with decimals and geometry. He did not pass the Geometry unit test.
His xxx score for math as you saw, was 79.4, and his grades were 3's in Quarters 1&2. He will also receive a 3 in Q3. His grades this quarter have been 2's than 3's, and his understanding of fractions is improving with practice in class. He does not grasp most skills with just one exposure, as more than one practice session can be needed depending on the skill and his prior knowledge.
My recommendation for 6th grade math is that he be placed in math 6+. He does not meet the requirements for 6/7 because his EVAAs score is not greater than 97% and his classwork has not reached Level 4. I did also notice that his grades last year were 3's. Please feel free to attend the Math Meeting xxxx to get further questions answered. As you might know, a parent WAIVER can be signed to place a student higher in math than the teacher and the scores recommend. I hope this is helpful.
Hi xxx, 
Thank you for your email. 
Is this the actual email conference?
Dear xxx,
Good evening. Generally teacher email conferences take place in this way. So you have input to share with me?

Dear xxx, 
Thank you for your emails. Currently I don't have other questions. But the current status of xxx's math didn't meet our expectations and we are worried.  I do really wish I can find a way to help him improve it. If you have any suggestions, please let me know and I will appreciate it.
Thanks again.
