
来源: 2012-03-06 05:10:51 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

儿子小熊今年九岁四年级,我们一直是放羊式的教育,既没有抓过他的功课,更没有上这班那班。回国一年,更是如此。好在小家伙儿自己倒也知道打理,门门功课都过得去。余暇就爱看书,还算有些品味。前阵子迷上了Steve Jobs, 求他妈妈买了传记,年底去澳洲旅行,看了一路,Steve Jobs俨然成了他心中的神。最近又开始看Catcher in the Rye每每咯咯笑个不停,还要妈妈把主人公喜欢的诸如Out of Africa之类的书买回给他, 也不知是否真的读懂了。


Once upon a time, a little hamster called Friday, thought his name was fidgety. Such thought made him go crazy sometimes.

 The elder ones often laughed at him for it was not a bit usual for them. Usually the names went out like Crystal, or such sort. But all the names were used so he set out, looking for a new one.

 Friday first arrived at the Burrows, the “village” of the moles. The moles there were very hospitable. The very moles he set eyes on immediately gave him a bowl of hot soup. The Burrows was very friendly place, just waiting for weary travelers.

When Friday went to join the court, the Sultan invited him to the Sultan’s friendly burrow. The Sultan suddenly, while they were talking, arrested the hamster. That was his plan, of course, for he had exiled his hospitality.

The Mole Police grabbed Friday and set him in the prison, dispersed. Of course, that was what he thought. There was one disgusting looking rat that had been there for a million years, from the beginning of the Burrows.

“Excuse me, sir, but did you stay here when Burrows was a lowly village, full of awful diseases like The Phantom’s Death?” that was a weird question for the fact that he was The Phantom himself. It was him who had brought The Phantom’s Death.

The rat’s face arranged itself into a face of confusion. Every prisoner who was brought here knew he was Him. They lay on their knees and respected him like that cursed Sultan! Perhaps this hamster didn’t know him!

“Why you cursed youngling! Of course I am Him! Now get on your knees or I’ll …” the rat didn’t know what quite to do for he had run out of “pranks” “I’ll … I’ll… kill you, youngster!”

Nothing. The little hamster just stared blankly. The Phantom sighed. So much words wasted to the effect of nothing.

Him replied to break the silence,” What are you doing in the dangerous roads?” The hamster just stared. Then he heard a *creak*. Still the hamster hadn’t moved. The Phantom looked closer. He wasn’t there at all, he was just a dummy!

But he had heard him speak. That means the hamster must have switched the dummy with him while The Phantom was talking!

The door creaking, a chance to freedom!

“May the Rat King bless you.” Whispered the rat before he left the prison forever.

Now back to Friday. He was just exercising on a exercise wheel when he remembered his mission. It was a pretty small reason for a big journey. What if he died while traveling? He hadn’t even written his will!

Friday lumbered off the wheel and started walking on the path. Stupid name. Stupid mission.

He stopped besides a tree and remembered the great big trees in Squirreltopia. That tree was pretty big but whatever. Friday was tired.

“Hey, watch where you’re sittin!”

“This is our tree, git otta here!

“Yeah, punk!”

Friday rubbed his head after a shower of acorns.

“Stoooooooop!!! We’re gonna waste our food!”

“Oh, yeah.

Friday looked up. Sure enough, there were three female squirrels.

            “Are you female squirrels?” he asked weakly.

            “You’re not one o’ those sexists, are you?”

            “No I’m not.” Replied Friday “Though I got a Sexist Ph.D. My colleagues just said I was just gay and weird. So did my professors. I don’t want to be a sexist.”

            “He’s cute.”


            Friday yawned and started walking off, not bothering to ask for they names. In Rodent Land, this was considered very bad manners. So the squirrels started pelting him with walnuts this time.

            He walked on for about an hour before having a headache.

Friday crashed onto one of the ferns in sleepiness. When he got enough power, a guinea pig popped up and asked Friday for permission to join his expedition.

             The guinea pig’s name was New Guinea; in honor of the prince (may he live forever). New Guinea loved to go on adventures, so long they were full of excitement. New Guinea was also the prince of the guinea pig clan, Espo La Guineais meaning pride of the guinea pig gods.  There were far more clans like Travela La Screi meaning travelers of the North. Guinea pig clan names were the only one in their language. The other ones, like Squirrels of War was an an ancient tribe full of fierce

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