
来源: 2011-03-07 16:34:01 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

学校又不会站在你的角度考虑问题,他们考虑的是对整个社会的责任,对双方的公平等等,决不会首先考虑保护你的孩子,更不会为你孩子将来一生成长着想。孩子是你自己的,家长的引导和保护要时刻不忘才对. My nu 1 son was bully other kids when he is k-5th and teacher said he had bad day and no disciple to him. I had to disciple him in home before he turn bad. But when he got bullyed and fought back, I didn't disciple him and just said he was overdone.