重振 whose 雄风?

来源: 2010-12-04 20:48:25 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

The US Capitalist Establishment is still in full control of the world money and resource supplies, with an overly powerful military to ensure its New World Order of the globalization going. Its 重振雄风 is either to resume this round of money compounding game, or to push the reset button(1938) and start a new round(1946). The US middle class is largely useless to the establishment with either.使美国 middle class 重振雄风? Forget it--"the writin is on the wall".

It is meaningless to improve 中小学教育里理科的教育水平 to provide the establishment with more supply of cheap high tech labors that it can get globally already.

年轻人有理想又愿意做平凡的事,在普通平凡的岗位里默默贡献自己...There were many of them under the solialism decades ago; and now there are too many of them under the current version of the capitalism. Only a small portion of them can gain both financial and mind freedom.

"There is nothing new under the Sun."




来源: edison112010-12-04 17:56:18 [档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:97次

他们认为美国技术创新能力的衰退使美国逐渐失去了在全世界领先的地位是这次危机的深层原因。这个与美国的中小学教育里理科的教育水平太低有 关,有些老师自己都搞不懂,更不可能教会学生了。这造成很多学生对理工科失去兴趣。他说他们这一代已经认识到这个问题,所以他们很多同学决定毕业后到中学 当老师,他们不再向往华尔街。他说他们有信心,他们的下一代一定能使美国重振雄风。
