
来源: 2023-11-03 17:59:40 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

CNN - 根据与数十名现任和前任情报、军事和国会官员的对话,美国官员和立法者一致认为,以色列未能预测哈马斯从加沙发起的袭击主要是由于缺乏想象力。
Based on the talk with current and past officers of  intelligent , military and parliament, US officers and policymakers agreed unanimously that Israel failed to predict Hamas's attack in Gaza due to a lack of imagination.

 I found this news fascinating. I knew imagination is a catalyst for arts such as writing stories, songs, poems, designing fashions and architecture, etc., but I never thought it's also critical for intelligence work. A lack of it in intelligence analysis could be so deadly.