作业,Buster's under belley fur resembles snow flakes

来源: 2022-01-28 16:49:12 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Buster is my favorite! Buster's under belley fur resembles snow flakes



The snow is squeaky when walking on the ground.

Please translate the below into Chinese:

The wonderful purity of nature at this season is a most pleasing fact. Every decayed stump and moss-grown stone and rail, and the dead leaves of autumn, are concealed by a clean napkin of snow.

这个季节里自然的纯净度是最令人喜欢的因素。 每一块朽木,盖满苔藓的石头与轨道,以及秋天的落叶 都被干净的雪纸巾覆盖。

Idiom:  (explain its meaning and give an example)

To Snow One Under With Something

Example: I am tired, but Tom keeps snowing me under with all this work that he doesn’t want to do.

I am fed up with the Covid variants to snow me under with dose after dose of vaccines.

Stay warm and safe.