
来源: 2021-08-13 10:27:21 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

English to Chinese:

One species of frog bases its entire mating ritual on number: If a male calls out — a whining pew followed by a brief pulsing note called a chuck — his rival responds by placing two chucks at the end of his own call. The first frog then responds with three, the other with four, and so on up to around six, when they run out of breath. 

有一种青蛙的整个交配仪式基于数字:如果一只雄青蛙发出呼叫信号——一声呜咽,然后一个简短的脉动音符,叫“咯”——他的对手以两个“咯”结束自己的呼叫。第一只青蛙回应用三个“咯”来结束呼叫,对方再次挑战用四个“咯“, 这样来来回回,直到到六个“咯”, 差不多断气为止。poor guys! :)

Chinese to English:

宁愿相信我们前世有约                 I'd rather believe we made a promise in past life
今生的爱情故事 不会再改变         In this life our love story will stay true forever
宁愿用这一生等你发现                 I'd rather wait my life time for you to find out
我一直在你身旁 从未走远            I've always been right by your side, never far away
只是因为在人群中 多看了你一眼   All because in that maddening crowd, I took one more glance at you



A: Oh man, last night show was really kick ass.

That's truly a kick-ass performance!

B: Are you pulling my leg? It cannt be duller.

I don't believe that, you were just pulling my leg, aren't you?