
来源: 2014-01-17 08:06:23 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

“Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years"

北京外国语大学刘润清教授夸"译得妙极了"的句子我怎么看都是病句。如果class struggle是主谓结果,那这实际上是逗号分开的三个句子,
第三个句子必须用连词。 也就是说应该是:"Classes struggle, some classes triumph, and others are eliminated"
" Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years" should also be
" Such is history, AND such is the history of civilization for thousands of years"

第二个印象是我们在五年级学了不少《毛泽东选集》的英译文章。那是在1965年,全国正在酝酿“文化大革命”。教学上开始强调“政治挂帅”,《毛泽东选集》的英文版进入了课堂。客观地说,《毛泽东选集》英译本是我国几十位翻译家花了多年的时间,经过反复推敲而打造出来的一部精品。裘克安、庄绎传老师都参加过此书的翻译,并给我们讲过翻译过程中的酸甜苦辣。现在,没有人再拿英译《毛泽东选集》当课本了,或者有人始终看不起这样的翻译。但是,我要说,我们从英译《毛泽东选集》中学到了很多有用的东西:它帮助我们体验翻译过程,认识翻译技巧,感受文化异同。举几个有趣的例子吧。当时我们每天背颂的一句毛主席语录是:“阶级斗争,一些阶级胜利了,一些阶级消灭了,这就是历史,这就是几千年的文明史。”乍一看,这句话简直没办法译成英文。等我读了英译文才知道,原来自己根本就没读懂原文。“阶级斗争”一词,我一直把它当作名词词组来看待,所以无法翻译。而英译文为:“Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.”译得妙极了。有些中国俗语译成英文也相当困难,要想译得准确、地道,必须要下一番工夫。有一条毛主席语录说,“凡事应该动脑筋想一想。俗话说:‘眉头一皱,计上心来’,就是说多想出智慧。”英译文为:“We should always use our brains and think everything over carefully. A common saying goes:‘Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem.’ In other words, much thinking yields wisdom. ”注意,第一句加了主语“We”,“hit upon a stratagem”译得好,还有“yield”也用得恰到好处。这些用词,只有英语语言造诣极深的人才想得出来。另一条毛主席语录是“马克思主义者看问题,不仅要看部分,而且要看全体。一个蛤蟆坐在井里说:‘天有一个井大,’这是不对的,因为天不止一个井大。”英译文为:“In approaching a problem a Marxist should see the whole as well as the parts. A frog in a well says, ‘The sky is no bigger than the mouth of the well.’ That is untrue, for the sky is not just the size of the mouth of the well.”注意,这里的“no bigger than”用得好,“the mouth”加得准确,将“坐”字漏掉,处理得好,“the size”又巧妙地避免了重复。