
来源: 2013-05-10 03:48:26 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
“Essay on Parting
What’s most gloomy to the soul is the parting experience. Moreover, Qin and Wu are the remotest states. Yan and Song are a thousand miles apart. When spring moss begins to grow or autumn winds suddenly arise,   travelers, therefore, will be heartbroken with all sorts of miserable emotions. Winds sough in weird sounds. Clouds spread wide with quaint colors. The boat’s at the waterside, as if frozen there. The coach’s at the hillside, as if hindered on the long journey. As the oar’s deliberately rowed, how can the boat go fast? The horses neigh in cold ceaselessly. Cover up golden goblets; who cares for drink now? Put aside the zither; tears wet the front bar on the coach.”
2. 语法方面比较欠缺。海老师的作品语法一向不严谨,这篇也不例外。When。。。travelers, therefore这里,therefore从英文讲毫无道理,应该去掉。The boat's, the coach's, the oar's缩略都应该写作is。The horses neigh in cold ceaselessly这一句正确的词序应该是The horses ceaselessly neigh in the cold,请注意,cold前要加定冠词。Cover up golden goblets这一句,golden goblets前要有定冠词the。
3. 通篇看来,逻辑不畅,晦涩难懂,译文是一篇很差的essay,请注意,你选择的译入文体是essay。As the oar’s deliberately rowed, how can the boat go fast?这句,估计英文读者很难理解这一句是什么意思,deliberately理解成intentionally还是slowly就很挣扎,如果理解成slowly则有leisurely的含义,放在这篇文章中又不大合适,一头雾水。The coach’s at the hillside,as if hindered on the long journey这一句也难解,the coach is hindered啥意思,又一头雾水。中文可以依靠上下文词句的位置表达逻辑关系,英文就很难,要注意连接和铺垫。