虽不能至,心向往之— 关于翻译标准的思考 zt

来源: 2012-03-04 07:42:59 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

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虽不能至,心向往之— 关于翻译标准的思考


(广州大学外国语学院, 广东 广州  510405)

摘要:明知译文不可能绝对忠实于原文,为什么千百年来,人们仍不弃不舍,执着地追求译文忠实?本文认为原因有:1,“忠实”是一种价值,一种理想境 界,向善、求美是人类天性,虽不能至,心向往之;2,翻译标准体现在过程之中,阶段性的、相对的忠实是可求的;3,“信达雅”、“忠实”等术语已约定俗 成,欲弃用或替代都很难。

关键词:  忠实;主体;客体;译者;标准

Why We Stick to Unrealizable Translation Criterion: A Reflection from the Philosophical Perspective

Yu Dong


( School of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510405, China)

Abstract:  This paper discusses why we have been so obstinate in our pursuit of fidelity as a key criterion for assessing translation, even though we are fully aware that absolute fidelity is never attainable. Three explanations are suggested herein. Firstly, fidelity is a value or an ideal and it is human nature to pursue ideals even if they are beyond reach. Secondly, translation criterion is a process rather than a fixed rule with which to measure something. Though no absolute fidelity exists in translation, relative fidelity is always within the realm of possibilities. Thirdly, terms such as fidelity have become widely established and it is no easy replacing them or throwing them away.

Key words:  subject; object; translator; criterion