Request for translation

来源: 2012-02-03 12:15:59 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

I received a QQH,was asked to translate these 500 words for book preface.

Learned ---idyllic, preface....

Please help him out, thanks!

《逐舸故园——Mr. L诗词集》是一部旧体诗词集,集子从一九六二年九月的第一首《忆江南九首》开始,到二零一一年三月十日的《七绝 题桃树》最后一首结束 ,以三百一十五题三百九十五首的容量,历经五十年时间长度,跨越中西两重时空,融汇Mr. L先生人生最精华的心智与情感,化作留给后人永远的精神财富。

旧体诗词是中国文学的一种体裁,常被分类为古体和近体。因旧体诗词讲求节奏、押韵、对仗、平仄以及诗情诗意,故其虽创作难却往往异常优美,从古至今已流传数千年而不衰,被称为中国古典文学精华中之精华。Mr. L先生执教古典文学数十年,常年醉心于诗词研究,这部书就是他多年的成果。

作者Mr. L中国......生于一九三八年。一九五八年入读武汉师范学院(今湖北大学)中文系,一九六二年毕业,后被分配至湖北任教近三十年。一九九一年移居美国加利福尼亚州旧金山市,二零零五年迁至德克萨斯州。二零一一年病逝。



XXXXXXXXXXXXXX- Mr. L poetry collection is a set of Poetry and Lyrics, a collection from September 1962 the first "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX... nine, to March 10, 2011" ..... peach "the last an end to the first ............... questions of capacity, after five decades of the length of time, across the Chinese and Western .... time and space, a combination of mental and emotional life the essence of Mr. L,turned left to future generations forever spiritual wealth.

Poetry and Lyrics is a genre of Chinese literature, often classified as archaic and ...... Of Poetry and Lyrics emphasis on rhythm, rhyme, parallelism, tonal pattern as well as idyllic,poetic flavor, so the creation of difficult but often .......beautiful ancient times has been around for thousands of years without failure, known as the essence of the essence of Chinese classical literature. Mr. L taught classical literature for decades, perennial... with the study of the poetry, this book is his years of results.

Of Mr. L, China, ,....... of a native, born in 1938. ..1958 admitted to the Wuhan Teachers College (now Hubei University) Department of Chinese, graduating in 1962, after being assigned to Yichang, Hubei Province, to teach in this nearly three decades. In 1991 he moved to San Francisco, California, USA, and in 2005 moved to  . Died in  2011.