【写作练习】My personal experience.(超级显摆贴,不喜勿入)

来源: 2011-10-19 08:20:27 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

        最近,一直坚持练习每日一句话翻译,发现自己的写作能力明显提高,居然自发地写了第一篇英语小文。而且天天在MYSJ灌水,交流能力大涨。有BSO之嫌,不喜勿入。(The writing is upgraded with rockcurrent, Lucidus,二姐,文青,泡泡,愚公等朋友的宝贵建议。Especially thank to rockcurrent and 文青班主, who upgraded my middle school level writing into a graduate level one.非常感谢!谢谢所有朋友的跟贴支持,非常感动。)

     I was very lucky to be selected from my group to join a conference hosted by our company headquarter last week.  
     After getting my badge,I went into the ballroom for lunch, where a couple of hundred people were sitting. Seeing a table with fewer people in the center of the room,I asked,"May I sit here?"   "Of course!"  Everybody around the table shook hands with me and we introduced each other. Suddenly, I realized that all of them were at the director level in our company. As I did not think it would be polite or wise to leave the table, I said," Wow, I am sitting at the leaders' table!"  Everybody laughed and we started chatting friendly.  
     The director sitting next to me, who came from Connecticut, found my picture in the brochure of attendees and exclaimed, "Oh, your picture looks better than mine!"   Then I asked him to show me his picture, and I said "Wow, you look much better than your picture!"    Everybody at the table laughed out loudly.   
    "How come that picture was there? Why did not you put a better looking one?" I kept asking.     
    "Well, " he said, "my wife chose this picture and it was not under my control."   
    "hahaha......" everybody laughed again.
     In the afternoon, we had a meeting during which the CEO started asking our opinions regarding our specialty. I raised my hand,and answered with my strong Chinese accent,  "A @@@@@ is a “driver” who makes the @@@@ run and …..” (For privacy, omitted….words)   
     The CEO was so satisfied with my answer of“driver”  that thereafter whenever he talked about any concept in my specialty about "driver", he always pointed at me (even though I changed my dress everyday) among the 200 people (East Asian less than 5%) in the ballroom.  I remembered on the third day of the meeting, when I was chatting with Wenqing on my cell phone about the game (space survival exercise) I posted on MYSJ, the CEO mentioned  this concept again.  Of course, at that time, I was not paying much attention to his lecture.  When another attendee besides me patted my back to remind me,I lifted my head and noticed both the CEO and president were pointing at me.
      During the afternoon break,  when I was picking up an ice-cream, the president in our company happened to stand right next to me. He said, "En, low-calorie ice cream."   Wondering what my answer was?    I did not know how come I was so brave(maybe I flooded the forum MYSJ with posts too much?)and said," I do not care about calories." 
      "Oh, you do not need to." Both of us laughed. 
      The above was my personal experience last week. A lady, with(文班,这里我保留后两个with是为了看起来像with的平行结构,可行否?) a strong Chinese accent, with enthusiasm to her career, with increasing communication skills through flooding the forum MYSJ with posts daily, is more and more confident in front of all kinds of people, no matter they are the CEO, the president or directors....
P.S.   My sincere suggestion,  "Do you want to improve your communication skills? Please come to the forum MYSJ and keep flooding it with posts everyday!"