My coworker

来源: 2011-05-22 13:15:27 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Can you believe this? One of my coworkers missed 3 days of work. I did not know it until yesterday. Another coworker called me and told me about it. I visited her yesterday afternoon. She was down, I mean, down, down. For 3 days, she took in very little food. God knows what she got and how she survived for 3 or 4 days. She said it was a flu. But she implied that she was coming down with pneumonia. Who knows. I am no doc. Pneumonia? Was she serious? Or she did no know. I am pretty sure that that son of a ***** put her through this. She was dating him and he was a bum, a scumbag i mean, i mean it. No job, no schooling. All he is doing is screwing. I've heard that he is dating 3 women.
Any case, I feel sorry for my coworker. She is attractive and everything. But yesterday when I saw her, oh, boy, she was like, well, I couldn't think of any word to describe her, puffy face or something. On Tuesday I saw her in her smart dress and leather pumps. She was beaming, like a star. Yesterday you know what, that dress was on the bed crumpled, and the high heels were lying on the door matt lifelessly. For 4 days she only took a shower once. It was the day when she was going to the hospital. Her room stank. Her bed stank and the kitchen stank. I mean like putrefied smell. Was it water in the sink or some some leftover on the refrigerator? I don't know. No fresh food, no fresh fruit and no fresh air in her apartment.
I then rushed to a nearby grocery store and got some fruits and vegetables. Oh, yeah, a pack of 6 chicken legs too. Can you believe this woman? After I took everything back to her and washed grapes for her and asked her how many chicken legs she needed me to cook, can you believe, can you believe this? She said that she preferred sea food at the time. What sea food do you want to have, Ms. the Most Beautiful? She was killing me, LOBsters. What? LOBsters? Did I hear it right? Are you craving for LOBsters at this time? What? Are you sure that you are still having a fever? Do you think I pick up money from a tree? Well, I hate to argue with sick people. Tired of it. I went back to the store again and got her a LOBster tail. This time, I did not drive. I just walked over there. Gas is expensive. Came back and put the tail in a pot.  'Sodium chloride only, and no soy sauce please'. What's wrong with a little soy sauce? I poured half a gallon of water into the pot. A quarter teaspoon of sea salt was what I thought was right. I had no idea what other way to deal with a LOBster tail. I guess after she was touched, fingered and drugged in the hospital with her urine, her lymph, her excrement, and her whatever examined and her bed flooded with tears for 3 days, she did deserve something good. Yes, she took her time enjoying the LOBster. Enjoying every minute of it.  Moist eyes and a tear dried face couldn't hide her smiles. Loved the asparagus I prepared for her. Oh, did I mention that she run out of everything? I had to get her a small brown bag of brown rice on the second trip. Why did they put brown rice in a brown bag? You got me there. But she reveled in the rice too. By the way, I steamed it.
I just hope she will come out fine. I don't believe that she would ever pay me back the amount I paid for the food today. Oh, well, never expect to get money back, I guess. Years ago I lent a classmate thirty five dollars because he was starving and needed to get something to eat. Did he return any dollar? Ask him. But she is a good friend though. She is old, I mean not young. 37 isn't that young in any place for a single woman. Whenever I think of her dating that son of a *****, I become furious and speechless. He is 45 and basically living off her. When she is sick, he is nowhere to be seen. I bet he will come back after she gets well. Millions of times I told her to dump that son of a ***** and go to China to find a good man if there isn't any good man left for her in this town. Don't tell me there is no good single man on this earth. She shook her head: 'Oh, it is just too much trouble to go back to find a man'. Whatever.