人物访谈:Why is Emmet studying Mandarin?(英语听力)

来源: 2009-10-01 06:25:29 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Emmet Conlon O'Reilly in London

Programme Introduction 节目简介

Meet Emmet Conlon O'Reilly, a young student who you will be hearing from a lot in the next few weeks.

Emmet has a column on our website called 按键 Emmet's Student Diary, all about student life in the UK and what it’s like to start learning Chinese from scratch.

In this programme, Feifei chats to Emmet about his homeland of Ireland and what particularly interests him about China.

Emmet and Feifei in the BBC studio
Find out just how much Emmet knows about his chosen university subject when Feifei quizzes him.

我们今天一起来认识一下在伦敦上学的年轻学生 Emmet Conlon O'Reilly.

Emmet 会在接下来的一段时间里通过在我们网站上 Emmet's Student Diary 这个栏目和大家一起分享一名英国学生的在校生活和他在英国从零开始学习汉语的过程。

本期节目里冯菲菲和 Emmet 一起聊了聊 Emmet 的家乡爱尔兰,还有 Emmet 对中国感兴趣的原因所在。大家还可以通过冯菲菲给 Emmet 做的小测验看看他到底对自己即将学习的课程了解有多少。

人物访谈:Why is Emmet studying Mandarin?(英语听力)ZT

Emmet and Feifei in the BBC studio

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