【听新闻练听力】New tornado warning system

来源: 2012-04-02 20:07:28 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

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>> back in the country, what has been a dangerous and destructive tornado season has spawned this. the national worth service has been studying last year's extreme tornadoes and is now testing a new warning system in the midwest's tornado alley. our report from nbc's john yang.

>> sometimes there's little warning, but in the annual struggle with nature that is tornado season, the national weather service hopes blunt words of warning will get people to take cover before something like this is right on top of them. starting today, they're testing the new system in parts of kansas, missouri, and illinois.

>> we want to make sure that the language we use is strong enough to motivate people to understand they need to take immediate action to protect themselves.

>> for example, the warning before a tornado kills 160 people in joplin, missouri, last may said thesophiest place to be during a tornado is in a basement. thd the new system, it may say tornado may be unsurvivable if shelter is not sought under ground level.

>> it's giving us more tools and hopefully more of a way to get people to act when they really need to act.

>> more sophisticated radar allows earlier and more accurate warnings, even detecting tornadoes on the ground before eyewitnesses spot them.

>> oh, boy.

>> we have a sd bree ball.

>> in regions where severe weather is common, meteorologists say warning fatigue could set in.

>> i was laying in bed and where heard the siren go off, but i didn't think anything about it.

>> linda never sought shelter but still survived last year's tornado that killed 26 in her small alabama town.

>> three out of four times, they're false alarms.

>> hoping that new stark language will make sure the most critical alarms are heard loud can clear.