
来源: 2015-05-06 08:14:27 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

-> on a positive note: 'on a' 这儿连读会更顺畅。.
-> age 9 and 4: '9 and" is not read as a linking 连读。
-> moonwalking: '-n' sound is not read out clearly. '-n'的发音再明确一点。
-> going on in my house: 'going on in' needs to be linked 'going-on-in' 连读
-> generation of: 'generation-of', linking is not read out. 也是连读。
-> wherever: needs to be linked like 'where-re-ver' 连读
-> smiling: '/smai-ling/' not '/smai-uh-ling/'
-> but dammit: here the '-t' in 'dammit' needs not to be read out. '-t' 要是读成失去爆破,就更符合发音规律,美味更足了。