Katie Couric The Best Advice I Ever Got, Part 22

来源: 2013-10-03 08:19:26 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

谢谢大家对我上片的鼓励和建议. 二姐, 冰粒, 等等. 我觉得Katie Couric的这一段,有点像我的心里话:-).

So why didn't I just throw in the towel and say, “Maybe I'm not cut out for this business”? I knew that my skills needed to be honed and that I was a work-in-progress, but I was convinced that I had the skills and I could do the job. I also knew something else. Along the way, you're bound to encounter people who are naysayers and buzz killers. Maybe they're insecure, maybe they're bitter, maybe they simply lack imagination. Those people need to be strained from your life like sand from a colander of freshly washed seashells. But then again, some of them may – surprise! - be right. Sure, they could have been more tactful, but both of my hypercritical news directors – men who in so many words told me “You can't” - actually did me a favor. I worked harder, got better, and became more determined than ever to prove them wrong.