Andrea Bocelli 2011 纽约中央公园演唱会选听

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2011 年 9 月 15 日,纽约中央公园的大草坪涌进了六万多人,他们都是为了 - Andrea Bocelli。这位史上最成功的跨界男高音,不但拥有金球奖最佳歌曲、葛莱美奖与、奥斯卡奖提名、世界音乐奖等多项殊荣,专辑累积销售更突破七千万张。这场在纽约中央公园举办的免费演唱会,对Andrea Bocelli而言是为父亲圆梦,现场观众则是享受了一场终生难忘的视听盛宴。

"I cannot help but smile when thinking about the concert in Central Park. It was my father's dream" 每当想起纽约中央公园的演出, 我不禁微笑, 因为我实现了我父亲的梦想。”

在这场纽约今年最大的音乐盛会中,Bocelli献唱了歌唱生涯跨越流行/古典/歌剧/声乐各领域的代表作,并由纽约爱乐交响乐团伴奏及其音乐总监Alan Gilbert担纲指挥。前半场詮释连串歌剧名曲,展现其精湛的男高音技巧,先是以豪迈爽朗歌声带来著名歌剧「Rigoletto (弄臣)」中的"La Donna È Mobile"、威尔第歌剧「Il trovatore (游唱诗人)」名作 "Di Quella Pira",随后与葛莱美奖得主 - 知名女高音Ana Maria Martinez带来咏叹调 "Vicino a te s'acqueta",再跟威尔斯低男中音Bryn Terfel、南非女高音Pretty Yende,陆续带来 "O Soave Fanciulla"、"Libiamo Ne’ Lieti Calici" 等名作。在歌剧盛宴之后,送上动人名曲 "Amazing Grace"、与传奇金嗓Tony Bennett合唱 "New York, New York"、协同流行天后Celine Dion带来祈祷之歌 "The Prayer";配搭两座葛莱美奖肯定的Chris Botti的浪漫小号及金牌制作人David Foster的钢琴伴奏下,诠释Frank Sinatra金曲 "More (Ti guarderò nel cuore)";之后陆续带来义大利民谣 "Funiculi Funiculà",以及重现撼动心灵的成名曲 "Time To Say Goodbye (Con te partirò)",最后压轴演出荡气回肠的歌剧「Turandot (图兰朵)」咏叹调"今夜无人入睡",完美结束这意犹未尽的华丽盛宴。


01. New York New York duet with Tony Bennett
02. The Prayer duet with Celine Dion , David Foster on piano
03. More (Ti guardero nel cuore) with Chris Botti on trumpet, David Foster on piano
04. Your Love (Once Upon A Time In The West)
05. Amazing Grace
06. Time To Say Goodbye (Con te Partiro) duet with Ana Maria Martinez
07. Nessun Dorma - Puccini - Turandot
08. Ave Maria Central Park Version
09. En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor - Concierto de Aranjuez with Nicola Benedetti on violin
10. Funiculi Funicula with Andrea Griminelli on flut
11. La Donna E Mobile - Verdi - Rigoletto
12. Nel Blu, Dipinto Di Blu (Volare) with David Foster on piano
13. Di Quella Pira - Verdi - ll Trovatore
14. Vicino A Te S'Acqueta - Giordano - Andrea Chenier duet with Ana Maria Martinez
15. Au Fond Du Temple Saint - Bizet - Les Pecheurs de perles duet with Bryn Terfel
16. O Soave Fanciulla - Puccini - La Boheme duet with Pretty Yende
17. Libiamo Ne' Lieti Calici - Verdi - La Traviata with P.Yende, B.Terfel, A.M.Martinez