Using Memory Methods To Learn Vocabulary

来源: 2011-03-06 09:26:20 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

guess an animal and 2 English word

Using Memory Methods To Learn Vocabulary
by Armen ·

A couple of days ago, I discussed the details of a quote that talks about the various activities we do and the memory recall rates associated with them. This procedure is able to be applied to any topic like learning how to cook a certain recipe or how to study for the national boards for optometry. Here, I exemplify the most useful techniques in order to show how they can be used to learn one new vocabulary word:

Avoid Regular Memory Methods
Let’s say you have a word you want to learn like sanguine, which means cheerful or confident. You could try studying it simply by memorizing that sanguine means cheerful and confident by reading it five or ten times. While this has a low rate of working, there are many methods of learning the meaning that have a much higher efficacy. It would make more sense to not focus on raw memorization or simply reading it a few times, and to instead focus on making the word important to your mind.

Try Making A Unique Memorization Method
Take the word “sanguine” and get into a habit of finding ways that are inventive in order to learn the word more quickly. If you are able to use` mnemonics to use parts of the word to remember it, that would be the first step. Maybe you could think that you become cheerful when in the sand at the beach, and that relates to the san- in sanguine. In another way, you might think of the word sandwich, and how you enjoy sandwiches that you make yourself. Then you would just have to remember the nuances that make sanguine mean confidently optimistic and cheerful.

Pictures Are Powerful
If you can draw a picture that shows the meaning of sanguine, you will certainly not forget its meaning, because you have taken the time to draw a picture about it, with your mind processing how you could depict its qualities in an image, possibly by having one with a person walking by smiling with his head held high. The picture itself could be used as a future tool. There are plenty of opportunities like this to encode information into our thoughts.

Use New Media
For this vocabulary example, you could easily learn the word by searching for its usage on Google News or Twitter Search or a regular Google search. You could even search a set of PDFs that you have for presentation of the word. By searching for usage of the word in a regular location or area you normally check online, it would make its meaning more relevant to you, and would make it that much more valuable than a random word taken out of the Oxford English Dictionary.