
来源: 2015-01-28 22:58:32 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

关于湾区妹妹的房,Jaden的这个贴最靠谱   http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/tzlc/968690.html


“Her 2003 first house (50W) is primary residence in Fremont, turned to rental once bought palo alto (110W) in 2009. Both started as primary residence so can't call them investment. Many two-income families have similar story in silicon valley --- Nothing special.

Her 2006/2007 buys are in china. Hit jackpot --- is that investment or gamble? But, winner takes all.

Her 2010-2015 only have two low value Brentwood houses to show --- to me that's under-performing in bay area with >$350k/yr income. BTW Brentwood is kind of outside bay area, so she is in bay area but really not investing in bay area.

WQMM is amazing on her career though. But I don't agree admiring her as a sophisticated RE investor. ”

2005, 2006年在中国买的房有4-6倍涨幅可以说到处都是。 需要有买房的决心和勇气, 但并不需要具体挑房的智慧。
投资主要是有意愿有决心,天时地利人和,机遇和运气很重要。 不能一味的归于luck,也不必过于抬高个人因素。


July 2003   bought at 50w, current  115w

Dec. 2005   bought at 30w, current 192w

April 2006 bought at 7w, current  29w

April 2006  bought at 7w, current 29w

Oct. 2009  bought at 112w, current 230w

June 2011, bought at 13w, current 14 w (the only and the worst investment I made, commercial not residential), will sell very soon.

Jan. 2012, bought at 17w, current 32w

July 2012, bought at 20w, current 38w