
来源: 2014-09-30 05:20:18 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
1. 商业地产和住家房产买卖有什么不同呢?

When sale or buy, similar. But you need to pay much more attention to environment report for commercial properties. Also, you may buy a commercial property with existing tenants.

2. 买商业地产也有20% down pay的要求吗? 还是更多?
Much more. At least 30% or 35%. Also, it is hard to get loan unless it has income or you buy to use it yourself.

3. 贷款利率是更高, 低些, 还是和住家房产一样?

Usualy higher as it cannot be sold to FREDi Mac or Fenny Mae

4. 整个买卖过程和住家房产是一样的吗? 有没有link可以让我了解更多呢?

No. Many resources in the internet.

5. 我目前还没找地产经纪,之后会的, 看到坛里这么多的高手,想先了解一些基本知识。 先谢谢大家!!