
来源: 2012-06-13 00:33:19 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

加州监狱人满为患。上次因为实在人太多,只得把几百个性罪犯提前释放。经过加州同学的抗议,现在决定把轻罪犯送到别的州教养。是这样的,加州同学给罪犯们每人每天出150美元,算是买了份安全。这些钱送到别家大人那里让他们严加管教。别家拿了这150美元,每人每天,正琢磨着怎样加盖监狱。在没加盖前也不想放弃这笔收入。但是每家都没有空余的牢房,所以为了多赚钱,说不得只得学加州以前样,提前释放轻罪犯。有了前车之鉴,不能把他们直接放入社会,所以就让他们到halfway house过渡一下。

这笔帐是这样的。本地监狱从加州接一个人,赚150美元,放一个人给halfway house,男犯付65美元,女犯付85美元。政府一转手就赚了每人每天75美元。halfway house有武装门卫,只有去见管教干部,去见咨询人员,去工作,才能在登记以后出外。一般是每间宿舍8-16张床铺,bunk beds。每个house 8-10个宿舍。加上活动室,大厅,图书馆,教室,办公室等等占一半面积。halfway house一般是由仓库改成,没有任何窗子。监狱会每天派护士和咨询专家到场坐班。

经济账是这样的。首先是房屋。仓库8000尺,capacity 100人,价格40万,加上按要求要加装玻璃天蓬,咨询下来5-8万。每天每人1美元。insurance+property tax 大约一年6500元。liability insurance可能高些,但不会超过每人每天1元。utility cost 每人每天2元。每天的伙食是由catering公司提供的。我跟一个中餐馆咨询过了。如果每顿都给中国炒饭的话,一天伙食开销每人7元。如果吃得精致些,那么每人每天12-15元。加上其他日用品,每人每天2元。清洁工每天工资25元,门卫24小时240元,second门卫12小时,120元,经理8小时120元,武装教员5人,16小时1600元,合计每人每天21元。总计,每人每天费用34-42美元。收入75美元。盈利每人每天33-41多美元。

前期投入10万down payment,加上维修费10万,枪械设备5万。共计25万。盈利是35×100×365=128万。ROI=500%。

入门门槛:1。需要有前警察参与。2。要有group dwelling license。3。人员资格培训。


4.0              The Merits of the Proposed Halfway House

Acetone Foundation (AF) is a non-profit organization. AF is proposing to establish a halfway home of 88 people in downtown area to complement the existing state and local law enforcement facilities and efforts. The halfway house is to temporarily house released inmates for a transition period of 3-6 months for them to start to reintegrate their life with the society.

4.1              The Need of a Halfway House

The population in jails and prisons suggested that there is a need for halfway houses. There are two reasons. First, the existing correction facilities can trade their capacity with federal prisons and supervise their less serious offenders in halfway houses. There is a cost difference that is around $50 per bed × day. The total number of people in custody in the state is about 50 thousands (see section 2.2). A lot of them can be put on various work program and placed in halfway houses. Currently about 9% detainees in the nation are put into these programs (see section 2.1). If the correction facilities place about 1000 people (2% of the detainees) in work programs, it will save the correction department about 50,000 dollars per day, 18.25 million dollars per year. For every 100 people more placement, the correction facility will save 1.8 million dollars per year.

Second, we have surveyed the existing facilities in three Counties. There are 3 small facilities in the S County, and none in W and D counties. Therefore, there is a need for such facilities in W and D Counties.

A previous facility held up to 88 people supervised by the local law enforcement facilities. It was closed about 2 years ago. The director of the facility told us that when it is in operation, the 88 beds were always taken with no vacancy.

4.2              Merit of a Halfway House

Crime fighting merit:         Studies show that a halfway home can lower the returning rate of former inmates. The proposed halfway house will help the state and local law enforcement agencies to control crime rate, reduce incarceration rate, and lower the returning rate. Especially, we want to provide a full spectrum of education programs in the proposed halfway house, in addition to its basic rooming, boarding, counseling, and supervising functions. We will teach skills in good behavior, group working, and anger management.

State and local budget merit:         See Section 3.1.

Economical merit: The education function of the proposed halfway home also involves the teaching of basic job skills that will greatly help the residents to reintegrate with the society. Some proposals include an in-house library, newspaper readership, book clubs, and computer skills. Our goal is to establish a model halfway home that will prepare the inmates to become a contributing citizen to the society.

The proposed halfway home will create 12 direct jobs as staff workers. There are three shifts each day and we need some staff to fill swing shifts. It also creates a number of indirect jobs. Counselors from the Human Service Department of the County are often stationed inside such a facility. We also need local food services to provide food for residents. We need cleaning service periodically. We also create construction jobs as we maintain, repair and upgrade the facilities. The proposed halfway home also creates induced jobs. Induced jobs are generated because of the establishment of the new halfway home that increases the local population, and then store traffic. For example, such induced positions include jobs in local supermarkets and home improvement stores.