关于退还押金继续问 - 房客否定了我的几乎所有收费,如何应对?

来源: 2016-08-26 20:30:08 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



6/15 lease end. 我7/1给她寄去支票。并告诉她我要出国一段日子。房客8/25回certified letter反驳说一切都是a)ordinary wear; b)她交了pet fee of $250; c) 我应给她interest on deposit(其实本州不要求给interest); d)我没有把deposit放到trust account并通知她--这是我的错,严重吗?;

我是这样收费的(有照片和花费invoice/cancelled check):

  1. Carpet washing/Cleaning - $255.13
  2. Touch painting and patching a lot of walls - $600.00 (太脏了)
  3. Repair dents and scratches on wood stairs - $150.00 (她说pet fee cover this, 但这是dents and scretches)
  4. Broken carpet at middle of third floor (a hole without carpet, like a golf ball size) - $130.00
  5. J&J toilet (blocked, full of feces) clean up - $60.00 (她只愿意交这个钱)
  6. Collect garbage (beer bottles, cans, dolls, the spread broken doll stuffs, different balls and others) - $30.00
  7. Broken (maybe by ball) window screen outside the family room - $20.00 (她否认,我没确凿证据,打算不收这$20)
  8. Mowing, edging and trimming all over the yard - $40.00
  9. Replacing 5 filters (Filters are very dirty) - $50.00
  10. Awning on the deck was removed - $200.00 (仅安装费就$200。少了螺丝,我只好扔了。她说遮阳篷本来就破损不堪)
  11. De-weed patio area and the front corner near garage - $0.00
  12. Landscaping - $0.00
  13. Too thin pine needles with bare spots - $0.00
  14. Clean downdraft of range - $0.00
  15. Replace 8 blowout light bulbs inside and outside - $0.00 (打算改变主意收$20)


