
来源: 2016-02-07 06:20:32 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

开年以来, 股市又一次血流成河,幸好还有TF。

前天上午途径俺的出租房区,见到一个for sale牌子,这是一个2BR/1Bath,约800sqft的小房子;回家查MLS,未见资料; 下午再途径那里,给经纪人打电话,自报家门,经纪回复,owner occupied, 准备晚上上MLS,$65k, 明天可以看房;我问是否可以现在看,今天就给cash offer. 对方说与seller 联系一下再告我。

数分钟后,看房,状况良好, 可直接出租,只是HVAC不工作,与seller的儿子交流,得知计划换新的HVAC。通知经纪,一小时后将送出offer.  Cash $61k, 无需换HVAC,sale as is, close on 2/12。晚上打牌时,收到短信, “$65k as is, where is without us putting it on the market tonight”  俺回复“my highest and best offer $62k as is or $65K w replaced HVAC, effective until 1:00PM 2/6”.

昨天上午,再查MLS, 没见此房资料, 下午12:41, 收到经纪人短信,”I am going to meet with them an hour” 这个短信表明基本有望签约。 4:21PM 收到短信, “just sent counter”. 

Counter sale $65k, with replaced HVAC system, using seller’s closing agent. 短信与经纪人商讨后,我同意用seller’s closing agent, 她们同意收我closing agent相同的费用,即只收$50.

因为此房未上MLS, 没见到佣金的分配, 短信经纪人是否俺有3%, 答复,5%,各自2.5%; 我短信,“您3%,我2%吧”.   经纪人回复 “that’s very nice of you”

waiting list 上, 选一租客, rent $750.