来看看行家里的行家如何评论弯曲房地产:Lennar Bets on Silicon Valley’s Spread

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With office and residential space in San Francisco and Silicon Valley becoming scarcer by the day, the East Bay city of Fremont, Calif., is girding for some spillover.

Last week, Lennar Corp. completed a deal to buy a 111-acre chunk of a former car-manufacturing plant in Fremont, 30 miles southeast of San Francisco, where it plans a dense mix of 2,200 apartments and houses, research-and-development space and offices, all centered around a new station for the commuter rail that leads to San Francisco.

The move by Lennar, along with a handful of other developers that have bought smaller parcels nearby, appears to be a bet that the former manufacturing area can be transformed into a thriving downtown-like environment that feeds in part off the expansion of Tesla Motors, which owns a factory adjacent to Lennar’s parcel.

“This is a highly desirable site,” said Gordon Jones, Lennar’s Bay Area division president. “It’s in a constrained housing market in proximity to well-paying jobs and easy access to transit.”

The plans in Fremont show how communities and investors throughout the Bay Area are trying to capitalize on the rapid growth that has so far been concentrated in San Francisco and cities to the south in Silicon Valley. With traffic and other congestion concerns mounting in those communities, cities in the East Bay have high hopes.

“We’re looking forward to seeing some of that growth come to this side of the bay,” said Jessica von Borck, Fremont’s assistant city manager.

Other East Bay cities are seeing new development as well. The University of California, Berkeley is planning a campus with some private investment in the suburb of Richmond, in the northern reaches of the East Bay. In San Ramon to the east, the owner of the giant office park Bishop Ranch is planning a large, dense mixed-use expansion.

And in Santa Clara, in the southern reaches of Silicon Valley, Related Cos. is planning a multibillion-dollar mixed-use development meant to attract expanding companies looking for modern office space.

Of course, it is far from clear that lots of businesses will flock to any of these developments, let alone all of them. Despite the growth of the tech sector, the East Bay has long struggled to attract top businesses to expand or move, and historically it has more been a hub of back-office jobs and manufacturing, due in part to its distance from wealthy suburbs north and south of San Francisco.

In addition, the entire Bay Area is known for its booms and busts, and today’s boom surely isn’t going to continue forever.

For Fremont, the deal by Lennar represents the culmination a planning effort and push that started in 2010, after a giant auto plant jointly owned by Toyota Motor Corp. and General Motors Co. closed.

The car makers sold part of the facility to Tesla, and then sold a parcel to railroad Union Pacific Corp., which planned to use it as a rail yard.

But that vision was at odds with that of city planners, who saw the plant’s closure as an opportunity to bring new development and attract new employers.

So a set of city officials flew out to Omaha, Neb., to lobby the chief executive of Union Pacific on their vision, Ms. von Borck said. The land could be more valuable with other uses, the officials said, particularly given that the Bay Area Rapid Transit rail was being extended and Tesla’s popularity was growing.

Shortly thereafter, Union Pacific shifted course and put the land up for sale, settling on Lennar as a buyer. Lennar then crafted a plan, received city approvals and completed the deal last week. The price wasn’t disclosed, but Union Pacific said in a statement it would recognize a gain of $110 million on the deal.

For Lennar, the purchase adds to its portfolio of large-scale projects in the Bay Area.

It is seeking to build two giant housing developments in San Francisco—one on an island between San Francisco and Oakland and the other in a former shipyard.

Lennar’s Mr. Jones said the company’s interest in the region comes as “the Bay Area combines an extremely robust job market with a tight housing market—creating significant opportunity for home builders.”

Like the two projects in San Francisco, the Fremont development has considerable upfront infrastructure costs. Lennar is expected to spend up to $100 million on infrastructure including roads, open space and a school. Lennar plans to spend about $1

billion on the residential portions of the project, while it plans to sell off the commercial sites to other developers.

That initial investment is slated to start as soon as this summer, according to Fremont’s Ms. von Borck, with the total build-out expected to happen over 15 years. For now, demand appears strong.

“We happen to be at a really good spot in the market,” she said.



如果你的看法与行家离的行家基本相同,表明你的判断不会太差,如果错了,那么不是情绪干扰就是知识水平不够,除非 -trimtip- 给 trimtip 发送悄悄话 (85 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 11:53:14

哎,我知识水平不够。您有房在卖? -万得福- 给 万得福 发送悄悄话 万得福 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:12:49

我,还想多买,可还没那么多钱,还需要继续积累。 -trimtip- 给 trimtip 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:20:03

这话说的也就是一个大海上一叶扁舟底部趴上去的一只章鱼的水平。。。 -cdwb- 给 cdwb 发送悄悄话 (132 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:53:07

哈哈哈,我实话实说,倒是你口气大,也就干点投偷鸡摸狗的事,还不敢把肚皮露出来。 -trimtip- 给 trimtip 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:59:23

只想说一句,行家也有错的时候。文章还未读。 -曼妙风景- 给 曼妙风景 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:08:58

它可不是一般的builder -trimtip- 给 trimtip 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:21:07

这家不是在SANJOSE, DUBLIN都有建?FREMONT 是不是刚好在HAYWARD FAUlT上? 加州人民怎么解决EA -曼妙风景- 给 曼妙风景 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:28:06

加州人民怎么解决EARTHQUAKE 忧患的? -曼妙风景- 给 曼妙风景 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:29:33

美国人开始集聚旧金山的时候就知道有地震,几百年了,倒是美国人不知道北极和南极化冰,海水会把美国东岸和南岸,海水倒灌几百英里 -trimtip- 给 trimtip 发送悄悄话 (81 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 12:39:57

最近全球闹震,我是想问问大家,加州动辄几百万的房,有什么针对地震的具体措施吗?要买地震保险吗? -曼妙风景- 给 曼妙风景 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 13:14:24

你到加州看看房就知道了,都是木质框架房,特别抗拉抗震,加州气候干燥,木质框架不太会腐烂,所以8级甚至更高都没问题,倒是 -trimtip- 给 trimtip 发送悄悄话 (75 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 13:24:29

这话爱听 -红尘有爱2014- 给 红尘有爱2014 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 13:42:52

羊盘来了. 几百万的房是黄金做的? -三色猫- 给 三色猫 发送悄悄话 (66 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 18:21:20

don't know if it will be good investment to buy the condo to ren -missiondad- 给 missiondad 发送悄悄话 (261 bytes) () 05/05/2015 postreply 14:37:04

