
来源: 2016-09-14 23:00:59 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

各人都有自己的标准,但是能让很多人(包括大批的非华人)喜欢,也算是一种成功吧,替此剧的所有工作人员们高兴。这是我第一次看到外国人对中国偶像剧的迷恋。下面会贴上我在  dramafever 网站上看到的一些评论。


杨洋的高冷帅可以PK《来自星星的你》里面的金秀贤了。还有,he seems to  be a good kisser.  跟郑爽的 chemistry 也不错。角色对女友的信任和保护,处理问题的慎密和聪明,高超的黑客技术,很吸引人。

郑爽呢,漂亮,眼睛会笑会说话,就是太太瘦了。不过,还好没演出一个病态的美女。她演出了聪明能干和温柔体贴,男生会不喜欢吗? 不唧唧歪歪,男友忙,就像只小猫乖乖的在旁边,还尽量帮忙,非常的懂事。男女主角的相处之道值得很多恋人们的学习。

第一次看到中国电视剧里的 bromance, "兄弟情“。KO 这个角色也很有吸引力。

  5 minutes ago


this is one of the best dramas ive add the pleasure of watching , i really enjoyed the straight up romance and confidence the main couple add for each other

  11 minutes ago


A MUST WATCH!!! I was skeptical when i started watching it, but LOVED LOVED LOVED this drama..Best 30 hours that make you giddy with the cute romance. Yang Yang is just delightful..i coudln't stop smiling whenever he came on screen. Lovesick puppy! Also loved the female lead who is not just a shy, useless girl but an intelligent, sassy woman who stands up for herself. Loved the chemistry and relationship progression between WeiWei & Master Naihe <3. The amazing group of friends both the leads have is just one more plus point. The only negative in this drama is the way WeiWei kisses...she makes Park Shin Hye look more passionate. Yang Yang is a hoot though.

  18 minutes ago


fell in love with the drama

  53 minutes ago


I actually fell so much in love with this show I had to read the book, I went on a trip this weekend and with the luxury of being a passenger I was able to finish it. I must say I am enjoying the story line and love what the writers have added. I read that the author 顾漫, Gu man, actually has many excerpts... epilogues, I believe is the word I am looking for... anyways I recommend this show to a younger crowd, the characters are attractive, the story line is relatable, it is also a very heartwarming sort of humor,

  1 hour, 42 minutes ago


De lo mejor hermoso lo malo es que nos hace esperar amores iguales del mismo tipo y es difícil pero es lindo verlos al menos en dramafever

  1 hour, 50 minutes ago

Excelente, primera serie que los personajes crecen por sí solos, en donde no necesariamente deba haber un accidente, un antagonista malo, alguna muerte etc etc. Esta pareja es simplemente maravillosa; adorable, romántica y cómica.