我原来看youtubue 上非洲动物视频说不迁徙,吃那些不迁徙的,如野猪啥的. 一篇文章说部分鬣狗

来源: 2021-09-21 18:04:44 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:



The Great Wildebeest Migration – Where, When & Planning a Safari (africafreak.com)

Do lions follow the wildebeest?

No. Most predators do not have the stamina to follow the herds. The big cats must also protect their home range. So contrary to preconceptions, the wildebeest aren’t followed by leopardscheetahs or lions. Instead, they wait for the feast to come to them.

Hyena can follow the migration, although not all do. They are usually territorial animals. However, hyena will allow rivals to pass through their territory, as long as they do not hunt or provide competition.”

