Barcelona pier to airport: 5am船靠岸,10:45am 飞机起飞,时间够吗?

来源: buluosuo 2014-07-26 22:23:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (23036 bytes)

船是Norwegian Epic

Vacationtogo,com says that it takes 20 minutes/10 miles.

However, agent at United Cruise says "no, book flight after 12 PM..."

I'd like to use my reward mileage but no flights after 10:45am is available at United website.if buy by cash, there are more choices but price is + $1000 more for afternoon tickets.
The cruise is on Aug., 10th, about 2 weeks away. I just booked it today in hury for reasons...


1Are there Taxi available in the morning after 8am?

25am to 10:45am is almost 5 hours and 45 minutes. Is it enough time to catch the flight?



足够了,码头到机场汽车40分钟。问一问船上,能否帮忙定个出租车。不过那地方的人没啥信用。 -好酒- 给 好酒 发送悄悄话 好酒 的博客首页 (51 bytes) () 07/27/2014 postreply 05:05:15

应该够,下船前事先和船上的客服联系,安排你们第一拨下船,船上可以买送机场大巴的票。 -老道- 给 老道 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/27/2014 postreply 07:49:49

够了. 但是...... -mouyang- 给 mouyang 发送悄悄话 (210 bytes) () 07/27/2014 postreply 12:29:33

够, 刚从那里回来 -BEAUTYJS- 给 BEAUTYJS 发送悄悄话 BEAUTYJS 的博客首页 (173 bytes) () 07/29/2014 postreply 09:19:04

最主要的是和船商量,第一批下船。 TAXI Station 就在船码头。 还有得搞清楚飞机TERMINAL。 -BEAUTYJS- 给 BEAUTYJS 发送悄悄话 BEAUTYJS 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2014 postreply 09:50:00

Barcelona 下船到机场的行程 -buluosuo- 给 buluosuo 发送悄悄话 (626 bytes) () 08/17/2014 postreply 00:45:28
