意大利拾遗- (1. 吃住行)

来源: 2010-12-15 10:28:17 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
2009 年4月出游意大利10天。先从美国飞罗马,走到梵蒂冈,火车南下庞贝。再火车北上比萨,佛罗伦萨,米兰,科莫。 然后东去朱丽叶的家和威尼斯,再回罗马。已经发过2贴 (意大利科莫探幽 和罗马极品, 见我的博客 http://xuphotos.blogspot.com/)。现将余下的4帖精简版发完。因为已有很多坛友去过发过了。所以拾遗补漏一些。谢谢分享。

1 到达足球故乡 -- 机场见闻 Italian style of airport decoration

2 火车进罗马 Express from airport to rome center

3 见证失散百年亲人团聚 - 令人唏嘘!Amazing family reunion. We met 2 Americans in the train, they went to a small town to meet relatives after 100 years seperation.

4 再打的去旅馆 - 停车人行道 Is it illeagl to park on sidewalk

5 市中心宾馆像公寓 Hotel in Rome center, A queen size bed called double room

6 价格很贵钥匙很重 The rate is expensive ($300) and the keychain is heavy (300 g)

7 聚在路边 You can eat at roadside bar

8 吃在餐馆 In a rastrurant

9 喝在酒吧 or a bar

10 名菜,看了眼馋 The best spaghetti!

11 名点,吃了还想吃 Delicious desserts